Chereads / Transported In Another World As A LoL Summoner / Chapter 90 - Chapter 90: After The First Round Of Matches

Chapter 90 - Chapter 90: After The First Round Of Matches

[Viltania City]

After the first day of the tournament ended, Rosalyn took everyone in her team including  Shun's team towards their lodgings meeting place

Contrary to the other students viewers lodgings which are inns and hotels, the representatives lodgings are the small rented Manors

The reason why Shun's group of friends was taken there, was for them to continue taking care of his wounds and injuries as they carry him back home

"In the end we pretty did well in our first day" said Rosalyn

"I think we really got a good lead, don't you guys think so?" Asks Goran

"I think so too" agreed Sonia as she took a sip of tea that was prepared by the servants hired temporarily in these Manors

Sitting on a small round table, the three of them were talking or at most having their small meeting in regards to the results of their first round of matches

"But we can't be complacent and confident, the enemy teams are pretty strong bunch, now that they have data on what every person can do, they could potentially beat any of us" analyzed Rosalyn as she too took a sip of tea

"Well it looks like Ballad Academy will plan to turn things over in the next matches... " Said Sonia as she glanced at her cup and circled her finger at the table

Upon hearing that Goran then glanced at Rosalyn with resolute gaze and asked

"Do you have any information on the next round of matches?"

"Of course I do, the next matches will be held in the day after tomorrow and the battles will be a duo system in which the points will be 1 win is equal to 20 points" replied Rosalyn

Hearing that Sonia then leaned back on her chair and smiled slightly

"Well atleast they gave us one day to recuperate and gave us time to analyze each other... Everyone or mostly all competitors tomorrow will be busy training" she guessed

"That will be possible" agreed Rosalyn

"Now all we need to do now is prepare" added Rosalyn

With that the other two simply nodded in agreement


On the room assigned to Shun, mostly everyone was there

Some were there cause of Wendy, while some were there cause they worry of Shun's well beings while some are just tagging along

Inside the room which was big enough to hosta small party were Cedric, Wendy, Rachel, Aria, and Sephiria including the other four capture targets Elliot, Stan, Emille, and Kaiser

After Rachel took care of healing Shun's injuries she then let go of him as she seats on a chair nearby and took a deep breath as she replenish her expended Mana

"He did pretty well against the enemy, I say he was just in a really disadvantage situation where his weapons were useless" said Cedric

"Yes your right! Shun isn't weak, he's just at a disadvantage" agreed Sephiria

"After this maybe he'll train like crazy again just like last month" added Aria

Hearing her the others who understood what she means nodded in agreement

"I can already imagine it" said Rachel

"Eh!? Really!?"

After hearing those exclaimated questions, all eyes turned to Wendy in surprise

"He's actually putting effort into something? I thought he was lazy like me since I always see him bored? He's actually giving effort? Am I the lazy one in this group?" She asked continouesly

After giving a wry smile, Cedric simply looked away in embarrassment, while the other bold girls simply but slowly nodded at her questions

Upon receiving her answer, Wendy was dumbfounded that she was the lazy one, so after this she resolutely intended to work even harder than when she was trying to make the capture targets hers during her freshman years

After that they decided to return to their own lodgings and let Shun rest by himself, as the latter haven't woken up yet

But unknown to the that during these times of unconcious, Shun was already preparing everything as he took on Wukong all by himself in his own subconscious world which trained him with the system's help

Facing a bunch of clones Shun was determined to fight them all without creating clones himself in preparation for the next round of matches

During his time here which he already spent almost 3 hours inside, he had already fought Wukong multiple times and lost multiple times

This time he's fighting Wukong for the 8th time this day as he charged forward with all his might against his hundred of thousands clones

Faced off against Wukong's clones, Shun hardly swung his I.E towards the group of clones and attacked the others behind him using Shiv

Surrounded on all side he Soon found himself in a dead lock as all of the Wukong's were using skills towards him

"Crushing Blow!!!"

As ten sticks crashed down above him, he immediately overlapped both of his weapons above his head and blocked the heavy attacks from above

With each stick as heavy as a huge stone, Shun was then immediately pinned down by ten sticks unable to move


Clicking his tongue he then saw another stick swinging sideways aiming for his guts

Quickly thinking of escape Shun immediately used his skill consecutively as he dealt back the clones all on his own

"Living Shadow!"

Dodging the stick he then soon reappeared above the air In which he was then met with four other clones who strike their own stick forward

Just in time for that Shun then activated another skill in which made him disappear and be replaced by three shadows

"Death Mark!"

In an instant as the three shadows approached one clone, Shun immediately stabbed one of them before using Shunpo continouesly to teleport himself to other clones and deal with them all on his own

Landing far away he then saw numerous clones charging towards him at high speed causing Shun to puff out a huge fire towards them

"Flame Breath!!!"

In faced of this many of the clones used their stone skins to cheated towards the fire and avoid damage at all cost but the moment they passed the flames, Shun then redirected hundreds of skill shots towards them

"Rapid Prowling Projectile!"

Sending shot after shots towards the clones while running back Shun then moved between the obstacles in order for the clones to split even more, causing them to thin out in numbers as they split groups

Using his fighting skills and experience in fighting both Rengar and kha'zix, he then charged ahead at the split up group of clones and dealt with the small group to avoid getting attention

"Thrill of the Hunt"

Turning invisible completely, Shun moved swiftly among the surroundings as he pounced on them and strikes them with his weapon

After that he did too the same with the other group as he moved stealthily

This goes on and on until he completely used his surroundings to his advantage and took out all of the clones which lasted for about 2 hours

By the time he finished taking care of them all by himself he then checked his status as he fixed them up and distributed the points



Strength: 1000

Agility: 980

Intelligence: 850

Dexterity: 900

Concentration: 990

Stat Points available: 0


Since Wukong wasn't a monster, the system had to make some consideration for the conversion of points causing shun to receive an abundant of points, just not a hundred thousand

After taking care of that, he then opened up his system once more and glanced at the available opponent to better prepare himself for the worst possible outcome

After careful consideration Shun then decided to fight against his most powerful faced opponent yet

With a click the scenery changed immediately to a mountainous path with the Stars above

Since the system follows the lore and story sizes not the games made details of sizes he then looked up towards the sky as he saw a group of stars moved in unison

At the sight of seeing the stars moved like a living being, Shun was immediately overwhelmed by his opponents aura that he already regretted making his decision

"As expected of the system... Are you freaking kidding me?"

Soon a huge eyes formed as it opened up and looked down on the surface below, seeing only Shun down below him, the figure then showed it's silhoutte as it revealed only a portion of his celestial body

In Shun's eyes due to his opponent size, he can only see a portion of his top body when it moved

"Goddamn system... It actually recreated a real size Aurelion Sol!!! I'm like a miniscule to him!!! How will I be able to defeat that?"

As he murmured this to himself, Aurelion Sol then started to speak as if his voice was so deep that felt like God has talked

"Child! Are you planning on defeating me using that tiny piece of weaponized toy? How do you expect weapons to hurt celestial bodies?"

At this question Shun was then dumbfounded as he thought of that

"This gigantic dragon is actually right"

In the end Shun decided to forfeit about the thought of fighting Aurelion Sol and decided to ask for his guidance on how to learn his skills since it's impossible for Shun's attacks to reach the stars


With that set, the day of the Second round of matches proceeded as they registered the duo partners that will team up for this round

"Alright! Shun! Are you sure your ready?" Asks Rosalyn as worry was evident in his face

Actually not only him but also Goran, Sonia, and Shun's friends were shocked by how solemn Shun's face was

"Yes! I'm ready! You don't know how enlightened I am, it's like I've known so little of the world... Us humans are just a miniscule race compared to thousands more above us, such a strange world it is... This all thanks to Aurelion Sol sensei's teachings" he said in a soft tone

Seeing him like that made Rosalyn even more doubtful

"That's the reason why I'm worrying"

Upon hearing what she said, a grown then came up as Shun returned to his original attitude as he urged everyone to get in

Upon seeing his quick mood change, the others felt even more confused than Rosalyn as they felt that they were seeing shun but at the same time a different person

"As I reviewed earlier there is no objections right?" Asks Rosalyn for confirmation

"Nope none" replied Shun

"What he said" replied Sonia

"Let's do this!" Said Goran

With that they passed their registration before heading towards their representatives seats

Just like before the arrangements were the same for his friends, but for the participants, Rosalyn was sitting beside Goran while Sonia was sitting beside Shun


List of partner

Shun Kurosaki & Sonia Louverich

Goran Kallos & Rosalyn Breckt


With that in mind, they them proceeded smoothly with the events in which it started once more with the King's speech followed by the principal's short speech

As expected many anticipated this as they face off against each other and battle each other out

As for the Ballad Academy they seemed even more determined to gain points today no matter the cost is

After a few more good words for the participants of this the day, the king's then gave his last formal words

"In account for last time battles, I was greatly amazed by how much amazing the future generations will be, as I said I will be expecting a lot from you when the day comes that you serve the kingdom as one of its official subjects, with that I'm greatly happy to support all of you until you achieve your dreams... As per say good luck out there"

With those words the tournament now proceeded for it's very first matches that will showcase just how instense this matchup is going to be

As for Shun he haven't even learned a speck of Aurelion Sol's ability but he felt more confident than ever today

At that moment the first match was then decided


Gritonnia Academy representative

Shun Kurosaki & Sonia Louverich


Orbium Academy representative

Frederick Sauron & Akito Tomura
