Chereads / Villainess wants her body back! (Deleted) / Chapter 11 - Position of the Heir?

Chapter 11 - Position of the Heir?

Sitting next to her father, she stayed silent as she listened to the Auctioneer shout the items and their prices. There were three guards behind them, but later on, two guards came and narrated what she had been doing throughout the capital.

Hearing somebody report of her actions caused her to be slightly uncomfortable even though this wasn't the first time this occurs. Whenever she goes out back when she was still Athena and not Irene, her father would continuously do this and cause her to feel guilt.

She watched as a dirty person is brought out with chains on his wrist and ankle. Athena's brows involuntarily furrowed in disgust. 'Had they been wiping themselves with their wastes?' She complained in her mind. Nevertheless, she stayed silent despite the barrage of dirty kids on the stage.

Later on, the slaves changed from kids to adults and, for some reason, to elderly as well. The Auction finished, and it was pitch dark outside. When they entered the carriage, she unknowingly blurted out her question. "We have not bid on anything?"

The man with the blue eyes turned his head from the window and locked eyes with her. "I was only there to supervise. Now that you have reminded me, why were you in the Auction house? I recall that you would faint whenever I bring you." He said, scrutinizing her every muscle movement that she does.

Athena conjured an awkward smile, unladylike and answered. "I've gotten much better."

The Count nodded and directed his attention back to the black scenery outside. "And you maid?"

She complained in her mind, 'didn't the guard explain to you?' "I allowed her to stay for a few days since her mother is in a dire state."

That was the end of their conversation. The very next morning, when Athena changed, she was called to the Count's office. Leo, the secretary, handed her some keys and an inch high of paper documents. " This," he pointed at a golden key. it was familiar to her. "It's the key to the room on the third level. As for these," he then pointed at three keys key, "It's the key to the Auction house, and it's storage. And the one behind it. The Count informed me that you'll be managing the Auction house and reporting to him."

Athena stared at Leo, dumbfounded. Since when had he began believing in her to even give her the key to the family's secret business?! She understands that she's the only official child and is a woman at that but, aren't there a few illegitimate children to be proper heirs? He's become too kind that it's suspicious. If she lost her memories and was treated by him like this, wouldn't she think that Count Wrae is her biological father!?

Oh wait, he is.

Without understanding why she still accepted the documents and the keys. She computed as to how many slaves are sold per day and how much profits it brings. In a letter she wrote, she proposed bathing the slaves and dressing them up before selling them on the auction stage. Athena looked up and thought, 'It's now a few months before my birthday.'

For a reason unknown to her, she spoke of Irene's birthday and not Athena's.

In the Count's office room, Leo gleefully informed the Count of the good news. "Milord, Irene has completely disappeared!" He said.

The Count answered rather dull to his words. "I've noticed since yesterday. Now, we have to wait." "That's not the priority, did you prepare for enough souls for another exchange?"

Leo, who was grinning, widened his smile. "Yes, Milord."

Clack Clack Clack* The sound of their steps created echoed throughout the hallway. Athena followed as her father strode to the courtroom. While walking, they met a few nobles which they had to greet, and finally, they were in front of the courtroom. Both of them entered, and when they were to do so, Marquis denfir, Athena's father, called out to them.

"Morning, Is that your daughter Irene, Lord Wrae?" He asked. The familiar voice she had heard ever since she was a child entered her ears. She felt slightly emotional but forced it down. It was not the time to be soft. She turned around to face him, and as usual, he had the same smile on his face. It's as if Athena has not changed before. Athena's heart felt uncomfortable, but she's not Athena, She's Irene.

She gave her greetings after her father confirmed marquess' Denfir's question.

"Oh, so is she here to..."

"Yes, she is. I'd like her to be more familiar with it." The conversation ended after a few more exchanges, and Athena praised her father. He had neither divulged any information to Marquess Denfir as well as confirm the Marquess's probing on the heir's position.

She was not introduced to the people as an heir but either way, people would pay more attention to her. Fortunately, she saw Kaine sitting on the opposite side, and they conversed with gazes. It wasn't as tedious, after all. Good things don't last long. When she noticed her father's gaze on her, she looked down and pretended to scribble something on the paper in front of her.

When the court ended, she waited for Kaine outside. "Kaine!" She whispered, and thankfully, Kaine was able to hear her. Kaine, who is the same as her, carrying parchments, came close to her.

"Irene, why were you here?" He asked.

She shrugged and made an arrogant expression. "I'm not quite sure, but it seems my father is planning on giving me the title of heir. Isn't that cool? I'll be a lord."

Kaine snorted. "Lady, you mean. You would still marry in the future."

"Not so. I can adopt a child instead."

"Think of that when you've decided whom to marry." A voice came from behind her and interrupted their conversation. "We have some matters to attend to later, make your conversation quick." Athena's father said before walking past them.

The matter they had to deal with was teaching the small Crown prince of the way of the sword. The original instructor of the prince, another Earl, had taken his vacation, and so, the responsibility was thrown to Count Wrae.

"Father, why does the crown prince have to resume practice when he could take a breather?" She asked. Her father stopped walking and said in a whisper.

"We are planning on expansion."

They reached the royal palace and directly went to the practice grounds. The crown prince was thrusting his sword left and right. Although he was a bit short, he carried with him an aura of royalty. Authority and pride. That was when he was holding his sword. When he caught sight of them, he let go of his sword and came running towards the two Wraes. "You're my substitute Instructor?"

"Yes, your high-" Before Athena's father could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the crown prince.

"Then let's go!" He said impatiently. The crown prince, Cassius, quickly turned his head towards Athena. "And you? Nevermind." He shook his head and screamed a name.

A maid, most possibly his nanny, came hurriedly. "What is it, your highness?" She paused and greeted the two.

"Go and bring tea and pastries for the lady." He ordered and pulled the Count to the practice field.

The old maid immediately apologized for his behavior, but Athena shook her head. She didn't mind it.