It was true, Mistress was forever forced to keep me. Until death.. does she not.
I was born into a rather poor and not very wealthy family, practically slaves! Okay...that is beyond an exaggeration. My father lived as a butler for my Mistress's mother. My mom was a maid, but got an excuse to stay home, and not tend to her usual duties to care for my twin brother and I. Though I was needy and often would hurt my brother -both mentally and physically, probably emotionally too-. I required a lot of attention, and I mean a LOT. My mother lived under the intentions that women did no wrong nor harm to anyone and men would and should be blamed first, and always first. So slowly by slowly my brother -whom I will never know the name of- was dying. He soon passed at the young age of five.
I can never forgive myself, but those feelings are locked away....forever.
At the age of seven I was still breast fed, teeth marks were imprinted upon my mothers chest from me not wanting to let go -my teeth have always been sharp-. Her breasts would have scratches from my sharp claws, I made her obey me. Day and night was me sucking relentlessly on my mother's chest. My mother secretly blamed my brother's death upon my father, but she passed away because of unknown causes not to long after I had turned seven. My father was always at work, but he to would pass a month later. It turns out that my Mistress's mother had been poisoning the food little by little. Gradually making the staff -my family included- ill. Nobody knows why she did this, maybe because she thought it could benefit her in some way shape or form. The Mistress's mother soon went missing, leaving her daughter and I alone. I was found by another family that had worked for the Mistress's mother -now working for the Mistress herself- it didn't last long before the mother got tired of a seven year old asking for "Milky" and making grabby hands like a baby. I had to mature myself, -obviously not much- to convince my Mistress to keep me. She singed a contract, feeling bad that her mother killed my family. The Mistress was kinder all those years ago.
Now...-I'm a 17 1/3 year old with the mental age of a 6 year old- hanging upside down by the tail -that was a vital weakness- holding in another moan. The Mistress drops me on my head, while she collects herself. My also naked body, makes a loud noise when my head hits the glossed wood. My ears bleed from the pressure they sustained from the fall. A quiet wince slowly slithers from my mouth. "I don't trust you here alone, so come with me to the market~" I was angry that she acted as if I was okay, my ears created a puddle of blood on the floor. Though also satisfied by my lower angle, looking up at her sexy naked body.