Chereads / Wanted or Unwanted| EXO FF / Chapter 15 - Chapter Fourteen

Chapter 15 - Chapter Fourteen

Current time: 6:40 PM


Status: About to go off

Location: Exo's Castle (Infirmary)


Previously on W.O.U|



Present Time|


I had them lined up with their hands behind their back. I had been yelling at them for about an hour now. They didn't look guilty instead they just looked confused.

"-SO NO MORE FIGHTING!!! GOT IT!!" I finished my rant. They nodded and continued looking at the ground. I sighed and kissed them all on the cheek as an apology for yelling. I don't know where this confidence came from but I'm not regretting anything at the moment.

Baekhyun blushed, Chanyeol smiled his wide smile, Kai tried to turn his head so I would kiss his lips but I dodged and kissed his cheek. Sehun and Chen pulled me into a hug after but that was all.

I looked around and noticed I was missing mates.

"Where are the rest?" I asked and they all shrugged.

I sighed and headed for the door.

"I made come eat" I told them and began leading the way.

I heard them whispering but I didn't pay attention. I walked into the kitchen and saw Mia looking through the cookbook.

"Everything done?" I asked. She nodded and jumped down from the stool.

We went to the dining room with drinks and I saw everyone seated. All of my mates were there, I smiled as I saw them talking.

I wonder why they were fighting... I only yelled at them saying that they're brothers and they shouldn't fight but even they were confused as to what had happened.

I shrugged it of and placed the drinks down for them. Afterwards, I sat down at the end with Mia by my side. I started eating then stopped when I noticed they weren't eating.

I looked up and made eye contact with my mates.....was something wrong??

I put my utensils down and asked,

"What's wrong?"

Suho sighed and began speaking. My blood ran cold and I felt Mia flinch.

Awe Shit, here we go again.

Third person POV

(Right after they left the infirmary)

Y/n was walking ahead of the brothers in the direction of the dining room. We were walking farther behind her because Baekhyun noticed something off.

He pulled us back farther and began whispering.

"Do you guys know what happened?" He asked with a very confused look.

Sehun shrugged while the others kept silent. Suddenly Baekhyun gasped.

They turned their heads to Baekhyun and saw Baekhyun was staring at Sehun's face.

"What? Why are you staring?" Sehun asked in a quiet voice. Baekhyun continued to stare at Sehun and then noticed on the others as well.

Their scratches and bruises....

Were healing.

They caught on with what Baekhyun was trying to say and questioned what was going on.

"We can't heal ourselves only Yixing can do that...but he's not here right now so what's going on??" Chanyeol questioned.

"I don't know but I think it started happening when Y/n kissed our cheeks." Baekhyun stated.

They all continued walking in silence until Kai spoke up.

"You know how Yixing said that your scent was on her, Baekhyun?" Kai began.

Baekhyun nodded and told him to continue.

"When she kissed us I caught Yixing's scent as well." He whispered. They all stopped for a moment and stared at eachother.

"So you think Yixing might have marked her??" Sehun asked.

"I think so." Kai nodded.

Baekhyun spoke up in complete confusion.

" Everyone says that my scent was on Y/n when I don't even remember doing anything to her." He stated. They looked at him shocked. They new he was telling the truth because they saw that he was genuinely confused.

"This doesn't make any sense!!" Chen whined.

"We should tell the others" Chanyeol said. They all nodded in agreement and continued walking.

"Wait hold on..." Sehun spoke and stopped in his tracks.

"Do you know why we started fighting? I don't even remember the fight itself." He said while scratching the back of his head.

"That's funny...neither can I.."Chanyeol stated after much thought.

"Not to mention the Xiumin,Kyungsoo,Yixing and Suho weren't in the room once Y/n came in" Chen continued.

" I don't even remember them leaving the room now that I think about it" Kai said.

"Somethings happening and I don't like it" Baekhyun shivered.

They continued to the dining room in silence. When they walked in they saw the rest of the group sitting at the table already.

"What is going on??"



