Chereads / One Shot: Sexuality / Chapter 48 - My Girlfriend’s Dad: Part 15

Chapter 48 - My Girlfriend’s Dad: Part 15

My days were spent preparing meals-breakfast, lunch, and dinner-that he would inevitably throw up. l'd organize his medications without a word of complaint. The nights were harder. He'd wake up drenched in sweat, haunted by flashbacks. But he never cried. He never let me see the full depth of his misery.

Despite everything, he still found ways to show he cared, offering me whatever I wanted, though none of it mattered. Sometimes, I'd wake up to find him murmuring to himself in his sleep, tears silently streaming down his face.

One day, I gathered the courage to ask, "What else happened in conversion therapy? You don't have to talk about it if you're not ready."

He stared at me blankly before answering. "Rick, the guy who led the therapy... he'd make me watch straight porn and wait to see if my body responded. If it didn't, he'd switch to gay porn while I was strapped to a chair, and then... he'd slap me if I reacted."

I looked at him, my heart breaking for everything he endured, especially knowing that his wife had slept with the man who had abused him.

"Is there anything else you want to talk about?" | asked, gently rubbing his thigh in support.

"He kept me awake for 24 hours if the sessions weren't going well. It only happened twice, but during those hours, he'd make me list every reason why you were bad twisting my thoughts until he forced me too sleep with Penelope in front of him, over and over, until he believed it was genuine. And I did fall back in love with her, Chase. I feel so stupid," his voice broke, tears spilling over. "I loved her for years-emotionally-but

physically, l've always been gay. I thought I was straight until I met Caden. Jackie was born from my confusion..."

I sat quietly, listening. When he finished, I handed him his medication. "The psychiatrist suggested these two new pills.

They should help with the flashbacks."

After taking the meds, he seemed to relax a little.

"I need to ask you something," I said,

hesitant."Go ahead," he replied, his voice calmer, the medication beginning to take effect.

"Were you forcing yourself to have sex with me that day, just to satisfy me?"

Lior smiled softly. "No. That was the best sex l've ever had, Chase."

I let my body speak for me.

I nodded.

"Thank you," he whispered.

I nodded again. "I miss you, Lior," I said, my voice barely audible.

He smiled. "I miss me too, Chase."

I turned away, fidgeting with my hands as I stood near the door. "I love you," I blurted out suddenly.His eyes widened in surprise, a smile breaking through. "I love you too."

"Come here," Lior said, his voice tender.

I sat beside him on the bed, and he pulled me close, kissing me with a passion I hadn't felt in months.

I groaned, pulling away reluctantly. "We're going to be late," I muttered.

"Oh shit, I forgot... today's your father's sentencing. Do you have your victim impact statement ready?" Lior asked, concern in his eyes.

"Yes", I spoke.


Eliza Lett, Reporter: "Today begins the sentencing of former NFL star Adler Dawson. Dawson is said to be on trial for the alleged first-degree murder and abuse of his daughter, Olive Dawson. The fans behind me are outraged, yet as you can see, the other crowd on the opposite side is calling for the death penalty. His estranged son, Chase Johnson-Dawson, will testify against his father and, as you may see, is right alongside senator Buck's former son-in-law Lior Mayes. As you may know, Dawson was previously tried for the first-degree murder of his wife, Kristina Johnson, and was later acquitted of all charges 10 years ago. Cameras will be rolling inside the courtroom… stay tuned. Eliza Lett, HNN."

I sat quietly, waiting for court to start, my leg unable to stay still, tapping my feet anxiously. Lior gently caressed my thigh and whispered into my ear, "I love you. I'm here."

I nodded, anxiously awaiting to see my father. "All rise," the judge demanded.

I saw my father for the first time in almost a year. He moved slowly in chains and an orange jumpsuit, looking down at his feet. The judge finally let us sit.

Judge: "We will now proceed with the sentencing of Adler Dawson. Prosecutor, you may present your evidence."

The prosecutor stood up, walking to the center of the courtroom. "Your Honor, we have clear evidence of abuse and neglect that led to the tragic death of Olive Dawson. We will show the systematic pattern of abuse 

carried out by Adler Dawson."

The prosecutor presented photos, medical reports, and testimonies. Each piece of evidence felt like a dagger in my heart. Then, they brought up a charge I hadn't been informed of.

Prosecutor: "Additionally, we have charges of sodomy of a minor."

Without thinking, I tried to leap over the barrier to get to my father. Security guards restrained me as I shouted "What did you do… What did you do?!" My heart pounded in my chest, and I felt a surge of rage and disbelief.

Judge: "Order in the court! Order!"

The guards tightened their grip, pulling me back to my seat. Lior held me tightly, whispering, "Chase, don't. We're going to get through this. I'm here."

Judge: "We will have a brief recess. Bailiff, ensure the defendant is secured, and bring Mr. Johnson-Dawson to my chambers immediately."

As I was led out, I looked back at my father, who refused to meet my eyes. The pain, the betrayal, the anger—it was all too much. But I knew I had to stay strong. For Olive . For myself. For Lior.

In the judge's chambers, I sat down, trying to calm my racing heart. The judge, an older woman with kind eyes but a firm demeanor, looked at me.

Judge: "Mr. Johnson-Dawson, I understand this is incredibly difficult for you. But you must maintain your composure in the courtroom. Do you understand?"

I nodded, swallowing hard. "Yes, Your Honor."

Judge: "Good. We will reconvene in fifteen minutes. Use this time to gather yourself."

I returned to the courtroom, Lior's reassuring presence by my side. As we took our seats, I felt the weight of the room's eyes on us. The recess ended, and the judge reentered the room.

Judge: "Court is back in session. Mr. Prosecutor, please continue."

The prosecutor resumed, showing more evidence—letters, diaries, and recordings that painted a horrifying picture of my father's cruelty. I could barely hold back my tears. They explained her autopsy, indicating his DNA was inside her.

It had gotten worse and worse and suddenly it hit me like a bag of bricks.

"No… no," I whispered, my voice getting louder with every word. I shook with rage, and Lior told me to sit down quietly, but all I saw was red. Something snapped before I stood up and lunged at my father. The courtroom erupted in chaos, cameras capturing every moment.

"How dare you do that to her! You piece of shit!" I managed to get one good punch in before the security guards held me back, signaling for assistance as they pulled me away. I screamed, "I'll get put in prison just to kill you, Motherfucker!"

I kept fighting and resisting the guards. Lior ran towards the door as they escorted me out. I couldn't calm down. They told me if I wouldn't calm down, I couldn't finish my testimony and would be sent to jail. They apologized, knowing how I felt and what happened, but explained it was the law. I sobbed, feeling intense pain in my chest, and the sounds I made were painful. It was to the point where I couldn't breathe. Lior couldn't calm me down, so he called Jackie.

In no time, Jackie came running in a purple dress next to Jo'Anna, as if I had interrupted some type of date. Jackie immediately kneeled to the ground where I was and wrapped her arms around me. I couldn't help but grip her dress tightly and cry heavily.

"It's okay. I know it doesn't feel okay right now, and I know it never will, but it's okay for you to breathe. Chase, you need to breathe and finish that trial because right now you're Olive's only voice."

I finally slowed my breath and nodded. "Thanks," I sniffled.

Jackie nodded sadly and looked at Jo'Anna, signaling to her that they were leaving. I stood up. "You ready?" the security guard asked. "Mm-Hm," I nodded.

Prosecutor: "We call Chase Johnson-Dawson to the stand."

I took a deep breath and walked to the witness stand, feeling every step like a lead weight. The bailiff swore me in, and I sat down, facing my father across the room.

Prosecutor: "Mr. Johnson-Dawson, can you describe the impact your father's actions have had on your life?"

I took a deep breath, my voice trembling. "He destroyed our family. He took my sister from me, and he…he hurt me in ways I can't even begin to explain. The abuse, the neglect, the… the manipulation. It never stops haunting me."

I recounted the horrors, each word feeling like tearing open old wounds. The courtroom was silent, every eye on me, the weight of their expectations pressing down.

Defense Attorney: "Objection, Your Honor. This testimony is highly emotional and prejudicial."

Judge: "Overruled. The witness may continue."

I looked at my father, tears streaming down my face. "I never trusted you from the time I was five years old up to now. You were supposed to protect us, but instead, you brought nothing but pain and suffering. I will never forgive you for what you've done."

The prosecutor nodded, signaling that my testimony was over. I returned to my seat, Lior's hand gripping mine tightly.

The judge called for closing arguments. The prosecutor painted a damning picture of my father, while the defense attorney tried to downplay the evidence, citing mental health issues and past traumas.

Finally, the judge spoke. "We have heard compelling and heart-wrenching testimonies today. The evidence is clear. Adler Dawson, you are hereby sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the first-degree murder and abuse of Olive Dawson. Additionally, you are sentenced to twenty-five years for the sodomy of a minor, to be served consecutively."

A wave of relief washed over me, mingled with the lingering pain of everything that had happened. As the guards led my father away, he finally looked at me, his eyes empty and cold.

Judge: "Court is adjourned."

The gavel struck, and the room erupted in noise. Reporters, family members, and spectators all talking at once. Lior pulled me into a tight embrace, his voice soft in my ear "It's over Chase, It's finally over."

I started to melt into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably.