The cave shakes when the mighty dragon roars bits of stones fall from above the dragon chants "DRAGON FLAME" The flame melted the surroundings it's lucky that Carlos and Damian where near the entrance, The flame didn't touch them they escaped the attack by going outside the dragon flys as fast as sound dodging the solid roof off the cave, the once enormous cave is now just flatness".
"Umm Damian you flank him from the right I'll face him head first, fire God blast".
"Yeah sure okay absolute hiding (makes him completely invisible) fallen angel beam daa".
It pierced right through his torso but because he was half dead he could regenerate fast but it took his mana the dragon roars in pain but immediately heals his wounds then claw swipes Carlos.
" Carlos fuk are you alright (Damian runs over his invisibility only has 12 seconds timer) Okay umm Divine heal (a light of pure white and shining gold came out from his arm covering Carlos his wounds instantly healed the dragon was so amazed that a human had such power that he didn't even attack at such a critical moment) "Carlos are you alright come on". "Yeah yeah I'm fine but £&£&&&&&&(okay I'll explain this skill it is absolute power ♾ well when you mutter the words to the skill it will summon all types off disasters at your enemy,if the person that summoned theses disasters was hit with these disasters he/she would be fine and if anyone close to that person was hit they would be fine so really convenient)".
Disaster like tornados where swirling around the dragon while Carlos was rapidly shooting flame gods blast from above,because the dragon was trapped,Damian used the artefact and all its skills went into his head he shouted Deaths slash cutting the dragon in two but it did not die it's blood sucked back into the rotted flesh but with the constant flame blast it falls but it isn't dead so Carlos uses Diablo for the final strike killing the dragon. "Beep Carlos has earned 80 SP beep well done for slaying a special dragon species Divine undead dragon Carlos gains (10000 GSP)".
Sorry about the bad writing I was really tired when I wrote this. Chapter sorry. I will check around it later.