"System show me my stats".
Strength 2345
Health 2900/12789 x50
Durability 310
Speed 678 x5
Mana 5879+instant caste
Fire blast lvl 507 water blast lvl 67 earth armour lvl167 gods child 100
Energy 107899
Cultivation 8
Sword skill 4567 lvl 109 +flame slash,god speed multi slash and devil carnage
God boxers (x50 health)
Green shirt (no buffs)
Black pants (increases speed by 2)
Trainers (increases speed by 5)
"Okay he took a big portion of my health fuk system I think I got an idea I'll use my devour technique on him(nearly forgot about it)".
"Beep good idea lets try it then".
Carlos used all his power against the gang leader yet to no success but then he managed to touch the gang leader devouring a quarter of his life energy and cultivation but the girl and the money got kidnapped by the lackeys of this Op gang leader.