Clouds are white
Sky is blue
Stars are bright
Life is sure no blue
Life ain't just a bare-legged fun
Experiences made it merry and glum
Stands like a strong canopy
Oh what a blissful memory
Sweet raindrops drum the roof
Music of devine melody
Thunder growls in harmony
A song of perfect symphony
Sweet dreams, what a beautiful nightmare
Stuck in the fantacies of reality, unable to wake up
Wake me up yesterday
Wake me up no more
Clouds turned gray
Melody in deaf sheet
Thunder roared in bay
Nightmare rolled over the sheet
Sea of tears
A pitless hallow
Set of tough gears
A boundless strength
Look me in the eye
Have you seen what I saw?
Feel me in the palm
Have you felt my plea?
Tomorrow is another day
Yesterday had pass away
The last life was forgotten
The next will always be an enigma
What a pitiful rue,
Unable to erase its ugly hue.
How you never knew?
How did you even misunderstood?