Sinclair knocked, in his abhorrent flourish, on Paris's office door; it was the only portion of the Eastern Wing they were allowed in without supervision. "Sinclair, I've told you before, one knock will do. We don't need a new pattern every time you need to speak to me," Paris teased, a smirk playing on his lips.
"How would you know it was me, otherwise? I could be anybody; a spy!" He entered his teacher's office, making himself comfortable in the single chair that sat before Paris' large, mahogany desk. "I spoke with Sid just now, and I think you'll find this interesting." In painstaking detail, so as not to leave an ounce of what Sinclair had felt during their conversation out, he relayed the length of their encounter to Paris. Afterwards, he paused, allowing his mentor time to let everything he had said sink in. "I'm telling you, it was like as soon as I looked into her eyes, I would have told her absolutely anything she had asked me." Sinclair clasped his hands behind his head, leaning back in the chair.
Paris folded his hands, placing his thumbs against his lips. "You say this was only when you made eye contact with her, Sinclair?" The boy nodded. "What happened once that contact was broken?"
Sinclair thought about it, chewing his bottom lip. "I felt as though she had been inside my mind, like even if I had tried to lie to her, she would have seen right through it. It's like Absidae would have been able to call me out, like I didn't have a choice. I knew, the second we broke eye contact, what she had done wasn't normal. It wasn't, was it?" He asked, remembering the chills that had been sent down his spine, the feeling of unease, the feeling that he had no control over what was coming out of his mouth. Sinclair shuddered just to think about it.
The old warlock let out a deep, heavy sigh. "Thank you, Sinclair. Please, do not warn Cedar or Orion of this. As a matter of fact, don't even mention it to Tristan. I will need them unwarned, so as to complete her evaluation." The pair said goodnight, and Paris shut his office door behind the young man. If what Sinclair has told me is true, he mused to himself, then she is here for much more than just to train in the art of healing.