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reincarnate form the hood(yandere vampire x chubby reader)

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Loneliness builds up in the hearts of even the most powerful of entities, carrying around such a great weight will drive most mad. Filling them with a yearning to once again feel the warmth of another, but how can you when the one you loved died so long ago? Drugs, Money, Sex, Blood, Death, when these things are your life what's to be expected of you, how can you love and trust someone when you were born into darkness. No one can be trusted in a world like that, all you can do is fight to stay alive in this game. Elijah Rest is a Lawyer in a modern-day world of criminals and human scum, said to be the youngest and best lawyer at the age of 24 with a dark past, and fangs as sharp as needles. Y/n L/n is not common thug, no. She runs the streets rich people are too scared to walk on. A big girl with big blood on her hands, with a mouth and temper no one can handle, but at the same time a very undisputable businesses woman, that group up in the hood. What happens when these two paths cross and Elijah sees his once lover in the eyes and actions of Y/n, could it be that she was reincarnated? Even so, Y/n isn't so keen on having her lawyer take interest in her. "Listen pretty boy. I come from a path of blood, I kill niggas like you every day. You do your job, then bounce the fuck outta my life." Little does that cold-hearted girl knew he has no thought of letting her go....not again....not ever. ".....I don't think I will little girl." How much blood will be split to achieve a love so Dark and murderous? Will her past life continue to draw her to him? Will she ever accept him again in this life? or will it be a one-sided web of blood love?

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1



Bullets were flying everywhere across the room, I could hear the get deflected by the metal door I managed to hide behind in the warehouse.

"Bruh we need to get the fuck outta this bitch, Candy get yo ass to the fucking door!" I shouted looking across the room at her, "I'll clear you a pathway! Then you need to bounce! Tell Demarcus it went sour! The batch was bullshit!"

"What about you, you fucking fat ass!" She moved from behind her hiding spot and shot at three of the lying jackass's trying to kill us. I knew by her kill count she was running low on bullets, one thing is for sure she was leaving outta here alive.

She jumped back into her hiding spot and hiding, she was outta bullets. I shook my head and slide the case over to her.

"Take the money and run!"



I jumped from behind the door and shot the idiots that stood in front of the exit, a bullet piercing my shoulder, I winced a little from the pain, but I still remained unmoved, Candy ran to the door and left.

Just as she did I heard the sound of the back door being busted open.



I dropped my gun to the floor and raised my fat arms up in the air. Slowly turning around to face the motherfuckers who were supposed to protect the weak, when half we're weak themselves.

"The fuck took y'all niggas so long....."


Candy POV

"Dee we need to find Boss a lawyer! A good one! NOW!"

I busted into Demarcus office, my heart still pounding from the shoot out that lead to my friend and bosses arrest.

"Well as you know she killed her last lawyer.....soo...."

"SO NOTHING! NIGGA FIND HER A NEW ONE! NOW!" I Exploded, I always hated how calm he was when she got arrested or almost came close to death.

"Candy. Calm down. She can handle the cops. I'll call that new fancy lawyer people have been talking about. All his clients get acquitted."

If there is one thing I know, is Dee is the best Secretary ever, he always got in contact with anyone, but my mind still worried. Y/n was a stronger girl, but with a big mouth, but I knew deep down she was ready to snap at any time. Between her father and the streets she ran which gave her enemies, I'm surprised she hasn't lost her mind yet. I didn't want her to stay in the slammer for long anyway, she might bite off one of the other prisoners fingers again if they touch her.

I sat down, my body instantly loosening up, I watched Dee talk on the phone to this lawyer. I don't pay attention to a lot of mainstream so I wasn't sure who this lawyer was, but if dee was calling him to defend Boss then I trust him.

???? POV

~Such a gloomy day..~

My body laid at rest, eyes looking up at the ceiling as the high price trash laid in my bed. Her breathing starting to becoming irritating to me, making me want to snap her neck.

~That would be to much work...~

I sat up, throwing my legs across the mattress, my cold skin touching the cold hardwood floor of this expensive house. I got up and grabbed my robe and headed to my office, walking down the dark halls, my eyes glimpsing over at a portrait from my past, it was like her eyes followed me but she was just a painting, for years I've searched for her bloodline, but it was as if it was burned from the world.

I looked forward again and continued further down the hall, upon entering my office I heard my phone ring, thinking it was my recent client of mine I licked up the phone.

"Elijah Rest one man Lawyer firm."

"Mr. Rest..." The voice on the other end didn't sound like any of my usual client's, his voice was alarmingly calm and there was a hint of a British accent laced in it, none of my clients were from a foreign country, or held an accent.

"My name is Demarcus, I work for a very important woman who got into a very sticky situation..."

I pulled out my office chair, listening to it roll across the floor before taking a seat. Of course, this lady is 'important ' everyone who wishes me to defend them is 'important '.

"What is her name?"

Maybe I would recognize her name, then I could really evaluate how important she was, but the man on the other end gave an amused chuckle, making me even more irritated.

"If you chose to help her you'll figure out her name, but most know her as Blood Diamond."

I sat back in my chair, I knew very much about this "Blood Diamond " woman from the news, a gang member from a very poor part of the city, but her crime spread over to other areas, anyone has yet to see her face and know her name even her lawyers, which is another thing since....

"Doesn't she kill most of her lawyers?"

"Indeed. But as long as you get her out and don't try to leak her face and name to the public you will remain alive..."

I smirked to myself wondering how interesting it would be to meet this infamous blood diamond herself. She was probably this scared little thing who cowarded behind her men all the time, drunk off of the power the news gives her.

"I will help her."

"Good. You are to meet her tommorw at West Brook jail at 10. Don't be late, it's a pleasure to work with you Mr. Rest."

"You too Mr. Demarcus."

I heard the phone being hung up and I looked into the void of my office.

The slow-burning of loneliness taking over me again, as time went on I started to feel it less and less, but every time I think of her it would start again.

"My sweet Rose L/n....if only I could find your descendants...."

If I found her decedent I could find her reincarnation, but the l/n family was an odd one, most of there line were gone not even my tremendous resources could find someone that took her last name.

Over time I started to lose hope, hope that I would one day be filled by the warmth that only she could give me.


The next day...



I sat in this familiar dimly lit room, waiting impatiently for my new lawyer to get here.

~Dee better have not got me not stupid ass lawyer like last time, I really don't feel like killing another nigga.~

I sighed and leaned back in my chair, the sound of the metal hitting on my hands hitting each other as I moved, the now warm sweaty cuffs around my wrist, but it wasn't them that kept me locked up.

Every time I sat in this same dam room, my mind always wonders how I got here. Why am I here?

I was a female criminal, I choose this path, but why?

~Dumd ass. You choose this path because you had to.~

Really though it was only common senses I did, I grew up on the streets, my mother worked the streets and my father ran it. So I just followed in their footsteps, plus even If I didn't want to my dad would force me anyway. He had been training me to run the streets he had, but never expected me to expand from there, way into the boujee skirts of the city.

~amazing how that shit works....what could my life had been if I've never entered this life....~

I always get deep thoughts like these when I was alone, sometimes if I close my eyes I'd see a glimpse of someone who looked like me, smiling as she danced in a forest with a man. They looked so happy together, but when I opened my eyes I'd be back in my cold reality.

~Bullshit as fairy tales.~

As I took a deep breath I heard the door open and I sat back up, my face becoming cold and stern for only a moment, it shifted once my eyes laid upon a man tall in stature with pale skin, his hair white matching his eyes that seemed to stare at me in surprise.

"Y/n Rose?"

I heard him mumble as he came closer to me, I tensed up and gave him a glare, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair.

"Nigga the Names y/n L/n, don't fuck it up and don't say it when we're around people, or you get shot."

My voice seemed to snap him back to reality.


Elijah POV

I could move for a moment, shock and confusion held me in one place as my eyes laid upon a face that I thought long gone. Even the scent of her was the same, but it was mixed with danger, blood, and irritation. Her e/c eyes reflected the fire I saw in my love the first time we meet, it was as if I was falling in love all over again. My mind made my lips mumble the name I yearned for...

"Y/n Rose"

It came out quite as a mumble but still, she heard me.

"Nigga the Names Y/n L/n don't fuck it up and don't say it when we're around people, or you get shot."

Her voice was cold, but held great power in it, just like hers used to.

I took a seat in front of her, that large figure of hers being hugged by that hideous orange jumpsuit, I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time from a woman...arousal.

"My apologies Miss Y/n, you looked like someone I once knew, and you both shared the same first names." I gave a little chuckled that faded as her cold eyes remained unmoved.

~she truly is just like her...could she be her reincarnate?~

It was a thought I had when I first entered the room, but "how?" Was the question, every Rose family I traced down seemed to have died off.

"The only person who's last name was Rose in my family was Rose the witch. She the reason why we don't carry that name anymore, so how the fuck did you know about it?"

Her eyes narrowed at me, studying me, examining me, trying to break me down, but I wasn't going to let her see past me but hearing that filled me with another thing I had yet to feel in a long time, the feeling of joy.

I had finally found her descendant, an almost perfect copy of her.

~Don't get to happy fool, you found her but she's not 'her'~

No, she wasn't her, but she was sure close to her.

"I studied witches for a long time in college, I ran across her image and story."

"Yeah, Yeah, fell in love with a monster, village killed her and the monster. Look city bitch lets get down to business, I need to be outta jail by tommorw. I got a lot of shit to do."

I dismissed her familiar, but rude language, and listen to her speak.

She talked about how she needed to leave soon, and of course, with my ways, I could have her out by tommorw, but to my displeasure, she acted as if my presence disgusted her.

~She acted that way in her previous life when we first met, but even so, me knowing how much I love her it irritates me now.~

I knew she didn't know that we were lovers before, but having to win her over would be a hassle.

~hmmm if she truly is her descendant, my hypnosis shouldn't work on her...~

Rose was so strong-willed for a human that it was hard to hypnotize her, it never worked.

"Ok Miss y/n, this can all be arranged....but first..."

I locked eyes with her, releasing a sweet smell into the room my eyes glowed.

"Kiss me."

She was starting to lean towards me, but to my slight dismay, something hard landed on my forehead, sending me back into my chair.


Y/n headbutted Elijah, at hearing him tell her to kiss him. She was both taken aback and pissed.

She was even angrier at the fact that a part of her was about to kiss him, making her feel confused.

~Was I really about to kiss this nigga! I don't even know him! What the fuck is wrong with me!~

She gritted her teeth, she was starting to feel the throbbing pain of her action but tried to ignore it and hold her hard glare as the lawyer rubbed his forehead.

~she definitely is her descendant ~he through remembering something similar that had happen...



A mischievous vampire smiled to himself as he watched a young maiden walk alone into his forest.

~mmm a plump one.~ he thought to himself as he continued to follow her.

Her aura seemed gentle as she walked deeper into the forest, stopping at a blueberry bush to eat a few. That's when he jumped from the tree, landing behind her startling the maiden, her head quickly snapping around.

"Do not fear me, I am a prince from a far off place who wishes to marry you.~?" he said confidently, most woman who entered his forest and heard this melted into his arms but this woman stared at him with an eyebrow raised.

He wasn't sure why she hadn't fallen into his arms yet, so he went with his second plan.

"Oh, my beauty I wish to kiss those lips.~" a sweet smell filled the air and he leaned forward expecting her to be pulled into his trance but instead his forehead kissed hers in a hard hit.

He fell to the ground and looked up shocked, her arms were crossed and a scowl was plastered on her face. That once gently aura was replaced with danger.

"Do not try to fiddle around with me beast. If you are to consume me do with great haist, but do know expect great pain from this meal to come." Her voice boomed through the forest, it was powerful and held no fear.

He smiled, and stood up, "You an interesting human."

"And you are a foolish beast."

Flashback end


Funny how memories can be jogged back into place.

"Listen to pretty boy. I come from a path of blood, I kill niggas like you every day. You do your job, then bounce the fuck outta my life." Y/n stood up and headed back inside the prison, but before she left Elijah, gave a wide smile, his pearl-white teeth gleaming in the dimly lit room.

Did she really think he was going to let her go?

".....I don't think I will little girl."

As her heart and body froze in place, his heart and body began to pump with life once again. She said nothing as she left the room, not knowing it was the start of something...
