Chereads / The witch's curse / Chapter 34 - This cant be happening

Chapter 34 - This cant be happening

. I grab my head as it is pounding I'm fighting to not loose control as I begin to rush through the dojo. I crash into the side of the wall deep in the struggle and I struggle to find my way through the maze of a dojo. I finally make it to the main hall when I hear the witch chuckle" she was starting to get so annoying...why do you like this wrinkly tea drinker?" she smiled "it's time you both learn your place I think". I opened my eyes wide when realization falled apon me. I shut my eyes fighting for my self control as my reality slow falls to the white vastness I'm far to used to. I fell to my knees "no" I put my hand to my face knowing what her end goal here was. Master sky walks up to me or should I say us. Master sky says "I know the witch has taken over and won't hold this against you but I can't let you leave or hurt anyone else". Master sky new she could not hurt me so she summoned weapons that would not hurt me but distract the witch.

Master sky makes her mop appear and the witch gets confused. Master sky has the power to make weapons appear out of thin air. The witches confusion is quickly replaced with anger. The witch darts towards sky and I am panicking, trying to regain control before its to late. They fight for such a long time, by now master should have got serious but shes still using house hold appliances as weapons. I take control for a second and yell " master stop going easy on her I don't care if you kill me just stop her".

Master sky gives a look of guilt and pulls out a katana and charges at me but the witch takes back over before she can stab me and there fight rages on. A back and forth stale mate between a teacher who loves her student too much to hurt her and a evil witch trying to kill. As the fight persists master has to try harder to stop her but she is old and has lost a lot of her stamina. She closed her eyes a tear running down her face she summons a blade whip and wrapped it around our neck cutting into our skin as we suffocate.

Apart of me feels relieved as the darkness starts to overtake me when I hear the witch talk in my voice "master I'm so sorry, I'm so scared. she is messing with my head and I don't want to hurt you" the witch says in a pained voice as the blade stops cutting into our neck "master it's me Victoria, I regained control". When master steps back guilt really setting in realizing just how bad she hurt me. She runs up to me trying to stop the bleeding like a panicked mother when I started to finally gain control I saw something that scars me for life.

My master has a knife through her heart and is quickly bleeding out. I gasp as I feel my heart shatter into peaces. The witch pulls out the knife and throws it beside sky as she laughs "you stupid fool, you really think your little pupil is that strong willed, you'll die knowing the person who stabbed you was your very own student". That's when I regained control or the witch relinquished control. The master says something to me in a gasp " Don't forget all you have been through, how much you have grown. Don't let my death bring you down, I will always live on inside you. Don't give up, you have the potential to achieve greatness and that is what I expect from you don't let me dye in vain". She closed her eyes blinking as her breathing began to be raspy as she breathes her last breaths.

I dropped to my knees and started to sob frantically. I grabbed her shoulders and shaked her, hopelessly begging her to wake up. I did not know what to do anymore, I was so lost. I ripped off some of the cloth on her arm and pushed it against the wound trying to stop the blood. I don't even think I was doing the right thing at the moment.

" No master... no, no... NOOOO" I cried "this isn't funny. Pl-ease... PLEASE". "NOOOO" I screamed. I grabbed her hand and held it to my face and tears ran down her arm. I let go and dead weight. I was having a panic attack, I couldn't breath. My lungs were on fire and I felt like a vacuum was sucking me dry, suffocating me. I still was screaming though. I rocked her in my arms, I could not accept her death. Things around me started to fade when I remembered she did a bit of damage on me, I almost died maybe I still will. I held her close to my heart not being able to let her go, as long as I don't let her go I don't have to face the truth of death.