Chereads / The witch's curse / Chapter 12 - Ashes, ashes we all fall down

Chapter 12 - Ashes, ashes we all fall down

I started to wish my eyes were failing and I was not wrong it was definitely her. The witch who shares my soul. I realized she never did die she has been hiding here this whole time waiting for my soul to weaken enough so she can steel my body I have been like a vessel this whole time.

When she got to me she said" now stay put we don't need any confusion ok". Then she disappeared before I had a chance to stop her. No I can't leave now someone stop me please this witch took over. I stood up and started running I got to get out of hear. I ran but I got nowhere, does this nothingness ever end. I sat down and looked round again. I saw a small window was I seeing the world through my eyes.

So the saying, The eyes are the window to the soul was true. What is she making me do. All I see is flames but as I look closer I see buildings and house inside the flame. I keep watching is she in the eastern border village. No she is burning the village down no.

I screamed" nooooooo noooooooo stop give me back my body". All the sudden the witch appears. She said" stop trying to take back control ". I said" it is my body not yours". I shut my eyes and when I opened them back up I was back in my body I was in control. I took a large pail of water and dumped it on the building in front of me. It was all my fault I started to cry. Something reappeared in my head some type of spell wait I share a body with a witch all I have to do is say the right spell.

A rain spell that might just work. I said" sacred rain you clean the earth,my mind, body, soul, and hearth, cleansing drops fall from above, From sorrow and suffering I am free, as I will it, it shall be". A circle of light shot out of me and shot up into the clouds and spread and it started to rain. I felt dizzy I'm not a witch I should not be saying spells like that but I had to save my people.

The last thing I saw was the fire being but out by the magical raindrops. I woke up an hour or so later in the jet. I asked" how did I get here ".

Cate took my hand and said" it is fine the generals found you in the eastern village that was burnt down and many people said you put out the fire but they had no clue who started it. Your father said" take her back home you were about to leave anyway". Cate said "So I took you to the jet and watched the island disappear from sight". I just leaned on Cates shoulder the rest of the way back. When we got back I unlocked the door and flopped down on the couch and just sat there and thought for what seemed like forever.