Chereads / The Sunflower Loves Moonlight / Chapter 7 - The Sullivan Sires

Chapter 7 - The Sullivan Sires

~Sorry for the initial trash edit~

~Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy~

~Don't forget to save the book to your libraries~

Oliver guided them through the door into a dim hall. It winded upward. She felt her neck again as they reached the top. He was right. Her wound had healed. Turning around the bend there was more light entering the kitchen. Of course it was large. The kitchen held an arched ceiling lined with wood. The walls were white clay to hold in the heat. There were two fire places on each end. One held the cauldron and the other was a bricked in oven. There was a long wooden table that stretched across the kitchen hall. Long enough to fit at least 20.

On the walls hung dried harvests and a butlers pantry filled with jared ingredients.

Leora saw a few maids scrubbing pots and separating herbs near the counter. On the far end of the hall she caught the silhouette of Madame Estelle standing in front of the cauldron, stirring.

Oliver entered quietly to not disturb her. She wore a dulled green dress with an apron. Her hair tied back with a few strands hanging loose.

As the woman stirred, Oliver pulled a chair out on the opposing end of the table for Leora. She felt he was keeping her distant for a reason.

"It will be soon." Estelle spoke softly. The aroma of fresh stew filled the hall.

"Lisa, you and the other girls go find Sophie and ring the bell." She ordered. Lisa bowed to exit out a side entrance. The three girls that were working got up to follow after her.

Oliver was standing across from Leora. Leaning with his palms against the edge of the counter. Estelle stopped to turn around catching sight of the girl. Her eyes narrowed.

"My, I didn't realize you brought company Oliver. And who might this little rabbit be?" She asked.

Oliver raised his eyebrow at her then looked down "Her name is Anne. And she will be permanently residing here under my command." He said plainly. Her expression subsided.

"I see. And will you be joining us tonight. As I recall feeding the maids has never interested you." She turned to continue stirring.

Leora studied the woman. She had a dark frizzed hair with a streak of grey. Her lips were thin and pursed. Her cheek bones high with darkened under eyes.

"The girl needs food. But I'm afraid we will not Madam. Anne will be housed in the sires quarters like the rest of us." Oliver replied.

"A room in our quarters? Does Sophie know?" Pried Estelle.

"Mind your manors Madame." Oliver smirked. After a pause.

"I'm introducing her as a courtesy." He continued.

"Hm, indeed.....stealthy little thing. I barely knew she was there before I turned around." Estelle smiled. Oliver grew impatient.

"One bowl of your stew please Madam and some of that famous bread of yours so we can return downstairs." He requested.

"Hm." Her red eyes met Leora's. She turned towards the cauldron to pour a ladle of stew into a bowl.

"The bread is behind you love." She smiled. Oliver nodded to fix a side plate. He grabbed a tray from the shelf.

"Perfect as always!" He chirped.

Oliver could hear the footsteps of the maids gathering from the manor.

"Thank you Madame I believe this is all we require at the moment." He didn't want her to be seen by the staff yet if at all. He knew word would not spread from Lisa he trusted Estelles judgement enough on that matter. The other girl didn't seem to notice her. He collected the bowl and placed the dishes on the tray. "Anne my girl lets return downstairs." Oliver he said heading around to the door. Leora stood to follow him.

Taking a few steps she felt a dark presence and a new pair of eyes on her.

"Anne is it?" The voice echoed through the kitchen.

She turned to look out the corner of her eye towards Madam Estelle. There stood a tall blonde woman in a fine long black dress. It was decorated with a black broached collar and lace trim. Her hair was put up nearly in curls and black ribbon.

"Sophie." Oliver acknowledge.

"Ollie." She didn't hesitate.

"She's staying in our quarters?" Sophie asked with strain.


"Enjoy running the house. Tomorrow I'll be back in action. We have party planning to attend to." He nodded. Sophie smiled to grit her teeth. When the bell rang finally the rest of the maids had lined up to take a seat at the large table. Leora saw the bite marks on their necks and wrists.

Estelle clapped her hands together to get their attention..

"Bone broth stew tonight lovely's. Good for the blood." She announced.

Oliver took cue to usher Leora back to their rooms.

When they got back he set the food on the table.

"Estelles cooking is the finest." He assured.

Leora took a seat to eat. She was hungry. And it was delicious. Oliver grabbed the kettle to start to pour the tea.

"Anne?" Leora questioned.

"We can't use your real name love." He answered. She nodded stirring her spoon in the stew. She looked over scanning the room. Still thinking about what had happened.

"There's a party tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yes, a small dinner for a neighboring duke. He's human but a very influential man." He responded.

Her eyes met his. She checked Oliver's wound. The bandage wrapped around was still bleeding. She studied his arm further. Finding what looked to be scars.

Oliver had sat towards the fire. She put the bread down and walked over to him. With hesitation she pulled up his sleeve, Oliver had froze. Some of the wounds were fresh in combination with scars. Leora had her brows furrowed with concern.

Snapping out of it he yanked his hand away to stand in front of the fire place.

She broke the silence.

"Why did you cut me?" She asked. Oliver was still.

"Why? You promised you wouldn't hurt me. And why would you hurt yourself?" Leoras asked stubbornly.

Oliver clinched his fist.

"Pay attention girl!." He barked. "I cut your neck as a reminder to you as well as myself of who you are." He voice grew louder. He looked at her with his eyes dark.

He turned away to lean against the mantle of the fire place.

"It was a lesson, Leora. What I said was true. I won't harm you and I will protect you. But you shouldn't have assumed that even with the mark I gave." He stared into the fire.

"You felt my intent but you didn't even flinch. You knew it was coming. Yet you still had faith in me. Lesson one, trust no one in this house. It will mark your end." He said lowering his head.

Leora clinched her amulet and her eyes lowered. Oliver looked over his shoulder. He couldn't bare her expression. 'Was he too harsh?'

"Come, lets have tea."

She nodded. He pulled the chair out for her to sit down again. The cup in her hands was still warm. It was a light floral flavor.

"It will help you sleep." He words echoed in her thoughts. Leora was starring into her cup until she finally spoke.

"What about your scars?" She asked.

He leaned back annoyed. He let out a sigh.

"Another time little Leo and perhaps not at all."

She took sip of her tea.

"Sophie she-"

"I will be instructing them to relocate in a different wing." He interrupted.

"You won't be bothered by them."

She smiled and nodded.

"When you go to your room tonight, they will be busy working anyhow. I've had most of their things relocated already. And I will be down stairs most of the night for your safety." His eyes met hers.

"Won't you be tired?" She asked.

Oliver cleared his throat

"Sires don't tire." He smirked.

"Ollie." His head perked up.

"Thank you." She smiled.

Leora was only being polite but Oliver was not used to gratitude. His mouth was slightly open. 'Is her kindness a masquerade?' he thought. His thought were interrupted by the chimes of the clock striking the hour.

"Well little Lady Leo I think now would be a good time for some rest." He stood. She got up form the table and walked up half up the stairs before turning back towards him.

"Sweet dreams." She said softly before going to her room. He bowed at her words. "Goodnight my Lady." She heard him say.

She walked down their hall to the bench and removed her shoes. Oliver's door was closed. But hers remained open and lit with a lantern. She removed her robe to hang it up. Then pulled the covers back and climbed into bed. She looked out her window before blowing out the lantern. The glow of the carriage was still out front but she saw it pull around leave towards Umberfell.

'Curious.' She thought. She felt the drowsiness of the tea and drifted off to sleep. She dreamt of the voices that echoed in her memory. "Be kind.." It was bits and pieces.

In the night. She could feel someone there watching. They were calm. She was guessing it was Oliver. 'Who are they' she thought. She opened her eyes. There was a shadow cast of a man in the moonlight that came through her window. She rubbed her eyes and blinked but it had disappeared. A bit disoriented Leora went back to sleep.