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Rise of the Saiyan Prince (Dropped)

It's the year 737, a soul from earth attempts to inhabit the body of Vegeta but is easily overwhelmed. Having gaining the knowledge from the soul, Vegeta learns the fate of his planet and race. Knowing he doesn't have long until planet Vegeta is destroyed, he must gather has many members of his race as he can and then flee. This is a Fan Fiction, I do not own Dragon Ball Z, its owned by Akira Toriyama.

Chapter 1 - Souls Clash

A young Vegeta is sleeping in his bed, occasionally he'll toss and turn, sweat covering his face. He is currently having a dream about a young man from another world.

After falling asleep, Vegeta finds himself standing in a unknown space, it's nothing but endless white in every direction. As he's stands there looking around he suddenly feels a strong strike from his back that causes him to fall forward.

"Hahaha, I can't believe what I'm seeing! prince Vegeta, this is perfect, with my knowledge after I take control of your body, nobody will be able to stop me", say an unknown man after sneak attacking Vegeta.

After being hit from behind, Vegeta on his hands and knees looks behind himself, he sees a young man with a smug look on his face, he looks to be in his late teens, and is currently blabbering about wanting his body.

"Instead of finishing me off, this fool his actually bragging!", thought Vegeta. Vegeta quickly gets to his feet and drives a punch right into the man's gut! as the man is bent over, Vegeta drives his knee into his face, followed by punches and kicks that send the unknown young man flying!

"You little shit! your going to pay for that!", shouts the unknown man. He get up and charges at Vegeta, he starts throwing wild punches at the young prince.

Vegeta quickly moves out of the way of the punches, he continuously dodges the incoming punches. "This guy is fast, but compared to my father's punches, these are nothing", thinks Vegeta. He jumps back and then sends a kick into the man's stomach! he quickly gathers Ki into his hand and shoots a energy blast right through the chest of the young man!

"No! this can't be happening! I'm going to become the strongest!" shouts the young man. Soon his body starts fading away and small bits of energy enter Vegeta.

As the energy enters Vegeta, he sees planet Vegeta being destroyed by Frieza, Goku beating him after arriving on Earth, Namek, Bulma and Trunks, the Android's, Cell, Buu, and Beerus.

The next morning, Vegeta wakes up with a headache and unsure if what happened in his dream was real. He quickly goes through his memory and remembers a young Saiyan by the name of Kakarot that would be later called Goku. He remembers that soon after Goku is born that planet Vegeta is destroyed!

Vegeta quickly gets dressed, puts on his armor and rushes out of his father palace. He must get to the nursery! he must find out if there is a baby called Kakarot at the nursery.

Vegeta has just returned home after confirming the existence of Kakarot. He makes his way to his father throne room. Upon arriving, he notices that the throne room his pact, it is filled with many high level Saiyans around 10,000. As Vegeta enters king Vegeta notices him.

"My son! Frieza has demanded that you are to join a mission, you will be joining his men as they subdue a planet so they can later sell it" says king Vegeta.

Vegeta approaches his father and says "Father! Frieza has long since wanted to destroy us Saiyans! he is too strong! we need to flee planet Vegeta! build up our strength and then defeat him!"

"Hahaha, of course Frieza wants to destroy us! but don't worry, soon our strongest warriors will gather at planet Vegeta, then we shall once and for all rid our selves of that pest called Frieza! you will accompany Frieza men on their mission, he likely wants to use you as a hostage but I'll have Nappa and Raditz accompany you, they will keep you safe, you must play along and act loyal until we ambush Frieza forces", said king Vegeta.

The rest of the Saiyans in room started laughing and cheering, his father soon commanded his guards to escort the young prince out, they had to plan their war with Frieza.

After being escorted out of the throne room Vegeta knew he couldn't save most of Saiyans. Knowing how stubborn and prideful they can be, believing they could never lose, he wasn't surprised.

Making his way to one of the command rooms that deals with overseeing the various missions, Vegeta managed the bribe, threaten and command the various men in command room into deleting mission files, rerouting ships to a uninhibited plantet far away from Frieza territories. Seeing how he would be their future king nobody wanted to get on his bad side and ruining their future.

A few days later three Saiyan space ships left planet Vegeta.

"Vegeta this is not the direction we need to go to reach our mission", said Nappa.

"I know Nappa", said Vegeta. As he looked out a window.

Vegeta could already see Friezas forces gathering at planet Vegeta. It was already too late to get his people off the planet. Any that left now might lead Frieza to the planet where he redirected the soon to be last surviving members of the Saiyan race.

Vegeta planned to aimlessly travel through space to shake off any of Friezas men that might be tracking them. After he was sure it was safe he would gather with the survivors of his race. He managed to delete the files of around 20,000 low level warriors, mostly young adults and children. Nobody would notice if these low level warriors went missing, at least for awhile, they would likely think they just died on missions.

Vegeta had made sure some of his people could survive. As Royalty he did his duty, his people would survive. Vegeta set his spacecraft to sleep mode, it would keep him asleep and slow his aging as he spent a long time traveling through space. The next time he woke up he knew he had a lot of work to do.