Chereads / Mr. Sandman / Chapter 11 - Ch. 11 "Directive"

Chapter 11 - Ch. 11 "Directive"

I sat up sharply. The last thing remember was Chase and Gray sending me to sleep. I looked around my room rubbing my eyes, neither of them were present. It was just barely light out; I had slept until morning at least. I wondered where they were. Maybe they were in the living room. Them putting me to sleep was going to get old if it happened frequently enough. What a party trick, though. My mind flashed; I remembered our conversation before I went out like a light. Beings of their world, as well as humans from mine, could pick up on my strange aura it seemed. I lifted my hand to my chin and scratched lightly. 'Like gravity', they agreed on calling this strange ability of mine. I wondered if that's why people naturally seemed to flock to me. I was too socially awkward to make anything of it, which haunted me through childhood to this day. What a shame, I thought.

I stretched my arms. I felt cold air brush against the skin on my chest and stomach. Still naked. I stood up and stretched my back and legs. I hadn't had a restful sleep like that in almost a year. I threw on some leggings and a hoodie. I didn't want to get dressed up. I walked to the bathroom and grabbed my hairbrush. I studied my face in the mirror. Same boring, dark brown hair. Same boring, light brown eyes. Same boring everything. I didn't understand how me, looking so plain, could attract either of those boys physically. Maybe they see something I don't, yet. The bags under my eyes were barely visible for once. I yawned, immediately feeling more awake. Is this what normal people feel like? I patted my cheeks. They seemed more... bouncy and full of life. Sleep really works miracles, I guess. I walked out into the living room. Still clean, still smelled nice. I checked the balcony. The boys weren't there either. The door was even locked. They're more responsible than they seem.

I made my way into the kitchen. Nobody here, either. I grew suspicious. I opened the fridge, it was full enough to feed a small village. I wondered if Gray would be staying here too. We'd have to get a futon. Chase sleeping with me didn't really bother me that much. An arms reach away was safe for me until we figured out what to do. I closed the fridge, sighing. Fresh fruit littered the counter. I picked a bright green apple for breakfast. It was the same color as Chase's eyes. I giggled. Of course he would pick that. I grabbed my keys off the coffee table and stuffed them in my pocket. I felt so naked without my phone. I shook my head, and grabbed my shoes. I decided on a pair of flip flops. My feet ached. They haven't been free in months. I locked the door on my way out. I was going to be a huge stickler about that from here on out.

I got partway down the stairs when I heard banging, like a hammer on metal. I scratched my neck. That would be my boys, making all this noise so early in the morning. As I rounded the last set of stairs to the landing, I was met with the sight of a shirtless Gray. No weird black hands, just his regular copper skin. I guess that's his 'resting state' or 'dream state'. The muscles on his back bulged. He put Chase to shame in the beef department. I cleared my throat. He looked over his shoulder, smiling a full set of flat teeth. Chase must have told him shark teeth make humans uncomfortable. He stood up, letting the self-closing door go. There was a loud thump, quickly followed my cursing from outside. Chase's voice was shrill. Gray ignored him knocking on the door to be let in. He came right up to me, giving me a tight hug. He wasn't warm either, just like Chase. Room temperature was generous. I froze in his arms. He was even taller than Chase. My head was level with his sternum; I was swallowed whole by his figure. My hands stuck out awkwardly from my sides, still grasping my apple. Chase looked like a puppy, staring in from the window on the door. I finally patted Gray's lower back with my free hand, hoping he'd release me soon.

He pulled away, leaving his hands on my shoulders. His grin was goofy and didn't quite fit his handsome face. He was so stoic last night; that suited him better.

"How was your sleep?", he asked while winking at me. I rolled my eyes.

"It was alright I guess", I said dismissively. I waved my hand in front of my face.

"I guess we'll have to give it more juice next time, huh?", he said coyly. He dropped his hands and turned back to the door. A hammer, nails, the old lock, and some scraps of paper laid on the ground inside the door. His shirt was tucked into the back of his pants. He looked like a gangster. I couldn't help but laugh when I looked up to the window and saw Chase sulking. I walked past Gray and opened the door.

"Good morning", I said, taking a bite of my apple. His eyes lit up a little. He took a triangular piece of wood and shoved it in the door to prop it open. If looks could kill, Gray would be on his back. Chase shot daggers at him.

"You're lucky we don't bleed and aren't as fragile as she is", he said, pointing at me while rubbing his nose.

"You practically asked for it", Gray said, shrugging. I watched his pectorals bulge indulgently as he lifted his arms. I couldn't stop staring and had to catch myself and look away frequently the rest of the time they replaced the lock. I sat on the front stoop. It was misting, but not a full rain. I finished my apple and played with the core, picking the seeds out, one by one. Miss Hima came back from grocery shopping, met by two shirtless boys fixing her locks.

"What do you boys think you're doing?", she asked suspiciously.

"I called the locksmith for this", she finished, her face wrinkled in confusion. Chase stood up; his shirtless chest much less muscular than Gray. Gray stood up as well, wiping rain from his forehead. His long black brain stuck to his back. Miss Hima stared too, but at least it wasn't just me.

"Well, are you going to introduce me, girl?", she said turning her attention to me, clicking her tongue in distaste. I stuttered. Chase saved me again.

"This is a university buddy of mine", Chase said, patting Gray's shoulder. Gray mustered a smile and tried not to pull away from Chase's touch. All three of us smiled at her simultaneously and hopefully not too falsely.

"Very well, but what about the locksmith?", she asked again.

"I told him we'd do it. He left the doorknobs, deadbolt, and all the keys for the tenants here for us. We got this", Chase said, now resting a hand on her shoulder. He gave it a quick squeeze. She seemed slightly under his spellbinding gaze.

"Do you want some help with your groceries?", I asked, desperate to leave this situation. I set my apple core on the stair as I rose to my feet, dusting my hands off on my pants.

"That would be appreciated, dear", she said extending an armful of paper bags my way. I took up three of her four bags as she passed me on the way inside. I looked back at the boys, both had their hands on their hips, giving me the exact same look of pride. Are they both trying to sleep with me now? How ridiculous. I'm not even anything to look at. I shook my head at them.

We ascended the stairs. As soon as we were out of earshot, Miss Hima sighed and laughed. I didn't have to see her face to know she was going to tell me exactly how she felt. I braced myself for ridicule but instead got sympathy.

"Your boyfriend has competition. Did you see the way that other fellow looked at you? He has eyes only for you", Miss Hima said; it was almost jealousy in her voice.

"I hadn't noticed. Chase has been so good to me. I barely have eyes for anyone else", I played along to his little charade of me being his girlfriend to avoid suspicion.

"I wouldn't be nearly as strong willed as you, young lady. You're both lucky to have a love like that", she said laughing again. Is she insinuating... that if she were me, she'd have her hands all over Gray? I shook my head violently as the thought crossed my mind. None of the three of us are even together romantically. This whole situation is preposterous. Me? With either of them? In my dreams maybe. That didn't comfort me either, seeing as they were both in my dreams, quite literally.

"I have some decent self control, I suppose", I forced a laugh for her sake. I got her to her door safe and sound.

"Just leave the bags there dear", she said pointing to her door mat. We said our goodbyes. I could have sworn I heard her say 'good luck' as she closed the door. Luck wasn't exactly what I had in mind. The boys came clomping up the stairs a little after us. Chase looked so pale in the fluorescent lighting; Gray looked so radiant. I looked between both of their faces and sighed.

"Let's go talk about what we should do, I guess", I said turning my back on them. I could feel them both staring at my back. I turned the corner, only to see my door open wide again. My mouth hung open in shock. Chase blew past me before I could even process what I was seeing. Gray came up behind me and put his arm around my shoulder, putting himself between me and the open door. Chase was already inside before I could say any words.

"How... is this possible? We were all at the only entrance and exit all morning", I whispered, tears stinging my eyes. I felt like my privacy was so violated. Gray let go of my shoulders and placed his hands on either side of my neck. His eyes said it all.

"We are here to protect you. No matter what", he said sternly. I believed him. He let my neck go and took my hand in his, leading me towards my door. He entered first. I couldn't help but hold his bicep as I timidly entered behind him. Chase was sniffing the air around the living room.

"It was another nightmare", he said confidently. He continued to look around, heading into my bedroom. The balcony door was ever so slightly open. I gently patted Gray's arm, pointing at it. I know for a fact they locked it before they went downstairs. I saw it with my own eyes. My panic rose in my chest so high it choked me. He nodded, without saying a word, directed me towards my front door again. He looked me in my eyes; they said stay put. He let out a light whistle and Chase appeared from the bedroom. Gray pointed at the balcony. Chase nodded and they both inched closer. My back tingled. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I had a hand firmly against the wall, peeking my head around to see. I wondered if this thing had used the balcony as an entrance and escape route this time, instead of the front door. Chase flung the balcony door open, my breath hitched in my throat.