Brandon woke up in a void. he could see his hands and legs, he could stand and walk, but it was desolate and barren. Brandon walked but still nothing then voices came in is head. "Shes dead Brandon". "just give up". "There's no reason for you to live anymore". Brandon fell to his knees and yelled, "no i won't listen to you. you can't tell me what to do anymore'!!! the voices stopped. it was silence. then he saw her. trinity. Brandon stood up and went to hug her but she faded away. "No!!! come back please. i can't live without you"!! Brandon sat in the void. then he saw the Simulacra standing there. Brandon standed up and walked over to the Simulacra. "You mother fucker. you caused all of this", said Brandon looking the Simulacra in the eyes. The Simulacra chuckled and then spoke, "of course i am". The Simulacra held up his left hand and continued, "Oh Brandon. You and I are so similar but have one difference. I am a god. and you. you are just a peasant". Brandon was angry. "Where are you!!! I will kill you"!!!!, yelled Brandon. the Simulacra continued to laugh then speak. "where do you think I am Brandon. I'm up in the sky. In on my throne. I want you to find me. I'm ready to crush your soul". Brandon stepped back. the Simulacra snapped his fingers. Brandon blacked out...