The massive screen above the arena displayed victory on one side, while on the other is displayed defeat. While one side of the stadium was up in cheers, the other end was quiet. But as they saw their team members exit out of their pods, they couldn't help but cheer for them.
"You did good guys!" Novis shouted, "You never gave up until the very end, I saw it… I saw it!" Tears were now rolling down his face.
Not because of the loss but because he wasn't there when they needed him. His teammates looked back at him and smiled.
"looks like the idiot was safe after all," Scarlett said.
"Yeah," Ashley said, "but we didn't get to keep our promise."
As the Montem team walked towards there exit, the cheers from them got even louder. The crowd started clapping and chanting out their name once more. There were even Ashley's hardcore fans still chanting out her nickname.
"We will never forget you monster!"
"Yeah, you were just unlucky, we'll still come to support every one of your games."