I've always been allergic to peanut butter. And knowing that they still did it.
I was five when I was pushed to the play ground floor by a boy from kindergarten. Everyone laughed saying 'look at the pig on the ground' or 'aww look at piglet.' I tried to get up but they just kept pushing me down. Four kids grab my arms and legs and pin it down to the concrete floor. Two more kids come and stand above me,I look to my side seeing the teacher busy with the rest of the kids. They remove my glasses and I see a piece of bread in the boys hand,I see it come closer to me so me as a kindergartner I thought 'Oh they just want to feed me' so I opened my mouth and chomped on it. But oh was I wrong,I feel my throat start to close,my face swell up. I hear comments say 'She sounds like a pig to' or 'look at the little piggy go oink oink' I try to stand up but I just fall instead holding my throat feeling my Lungs get blocked. I grab my glasses putting it on seeing the teacher run to my side before I knock out into pitch blackness.
I wake up in the hospital when my mom hugged me to death putting on my glasses then saying that the kids who did this are getting suspended. I smile at that thought but I then still remember that moment like it was yesterday. Well that same moment is why I turned the way I am...ballistic