Amanda was inside her room with an earphone on her ear and a Novel in her hand with her back on the bed, so she didn't know her mother had been knocking on her door the entire time.
When Mrs Park could not wait any longer, she opened the door and was finally able to get her daughter's attention.
Amanda sat up and took out the earphone immediately she saw her mother enter.
It was obvious Mrs Park was just returning from her outing because she was still sophisticatedly dressed in a short gown, heel and full make over, making Amanda wonder where she had gone to while looking like that at this time of the day.
"How did it go between you and Tommy?" She asked excitedly as she sat down beside Amanda who was frowning now at the mention of Tom.
"I don't even want to remember. I have never been so humiliated like I was today."
She stood up and began to pace around with a dark expression on her face.