"Hi Mei Qingyang, how did your exams go?" The exams were finally over. The last one happened to be a subject whose TA was only Feng Yue. As the people were coming out of the class, he caught up with Mei Qingyang just in time. He had exam sheets in his hands.
For exams, the professor did not need to show up to supervise the students. Only TAs took care of distributing and collecting exams and supervision. There were a few classes where only one TA was required. Each of the three guys had one class each which they supervised individually.
"Oh, senior Feng, do you need anything from me?", Mei Qingyang was surprised that this guy would take initiative to talk to her. Did he not hate her for some reason?
"No, I was just asking how you are doing. Everything going good for you?", Feng Yue's eyes really softened, towards Mei Qingyang, so much that the girl got creeped out by sudden kindness he was showing to her.