The proper attire for the job you will be tackling is dependent entirely apon the Job you preform
Below is a list out of our nonfield Agent jobs and the proper uniform
Mechanics work in the transport hanger and at times may be sent out on field missions with a field agent to tend the mode of transportation
The required attire is completely dependent on if you are in the feild or hanger
Hanger uniform: Within the hanger you will be required to wear safety goggles or glasses, overalls, strong work boots, and a provided shirt
Field Uniform: On the field you will be required to wear a provided protective millitary grade uniform and safety goggles when working
You will be flying the wide range of aircrafts and will be on site of field missions out of harm's way
Pilots are required to wear the provided uniforms with black boots and strong gloves
Desk Agent;
You will be handling paperwork and book research only
Desk agents are required to wear black pants or skirt, a white shirt, black shoes, and provided ID card around their neck
Lab Tech/Scientist;
You will be doing all the science research developing protective compounds and other solutions to aid field agents as well as doing medical checks on field agents after exposure to unknown contaminates
You are required to wear safety goggles and provided lab coats with name tag and gloves. Clothing underneath must be a strong material and shoes must be closed toe