Chereads / Caged. / Chapter 2 - One Month Later- August/17/18

Chapter 2 - One Month Later- August/17/18

We were released from the hospital three weeks ago. My dad has been getting quieter and focusing back on work other than my condition.

He's also locked me in the house with nothing to do but watch t.v and look at my broken leg and not to mention my ugly stitched up the arm.

The air feels colder. I tried to imagine my mother's comfort, how when she saw me looking down she'd wrap her arms around me and kiss my forehead.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I thought of this and soon I couldn't help but cry.

I picked myself off the couch and headed to my room and laid down.

My dream was a red truck speeding to me while I just stayed too shocked to move.

On impact, I woke up screaming and breathing heavily hard my dad came busting in.

"What's wrong are you ok?" He said coming over to my side.

"It-I had a bad dream, that's all really I'm ok dad," I said trying to hold back my tears but they just came flowing out.

He hugged me and told me everything was going to be alright.

When he left the darkness of my room enclosed me and I was too scared to go back to sleep.


I didn't think the morning could pass by so slow when you're home alone. I got up eight and my dad left a note saying how he's off to work.

I fixed a slow breakfast trying not to put any more pain on my arm or leg.

As the day went on I started to get ready for physical therapy. While on the road my thoughts and imagination got the best of me.

Every time a car or truck came close I would jump or scream.

It got so bad I began crying and my dad put my seat all the down and told me to close my eyes.

Felt like a baby freaking out I couldn't even close my eyes being too scared that if I did we'll be hit again.

My heart didn't slow down until we fully stopped at the hospital.

Three hours passed of trying to move my leg back and forth and swing my arm around.

The doctor told me in five months I should make full recovery with some scars.

I guess that was news to be happy about not many people make full recoveries from this stuff.

My dad picked me up and helped me into the car. I was kinda jealous at the fact his injuries were smaller than mine but happy he doesn't also have this pain.

Later Around 8:00

My dad came into my room holding a paper with a depressed look.

"Hey, umm listen I waited a while to tell you this because I know things are hard for just as they are for me but I'll be working extra hours to pay for you moms funeral next month on the 16th," he said handing me the and sitting on my bed.

"O-oh ok," I said trying to keep a straight face.

Right before exiting at my door he stopped and looked back at me.

"Oh and before I forget you also start school next month on the 13th." He said walking out the door.

In the next few hours, I would fall asleep thinking about my upcoming sophomore.

I would already be the crippled girl with a dead mother.

High school kids are vicious and will say anything to put you down. I wish someone could tell me how to deal with all the pain.


After a week of physical therapy, I can fully move my arm without much pain. My dad got better on-road( Had problems driving near trucks. )

Although my condition on the road is getting harder so I'm mostly home all the time now.

Being home all the time by myself has its pros and cons.

Somewhere at some time, I began going into my mother's side of the room.

Everything was just how she left it the dresser with everyone's photo, her small side lamp, the lip sick, books, and just everything was just like it was before we left.

As I picked up the picture I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

I put the picture back and headed out the room-clearing up my face.

6:30 PM

my phone started ringing with my dad's caller ID.

"Hello?" I said a little surprise.

"Hey umm I'm sorry sweetheart but I'll be working late again, make some noodles." His voice went in and out, you could hear the work phones off in the distance.

"Yeah-ok I'll be fine dad just don't get home too late." My voice trailed off.

"Ok-sorry sweetie office work is coming in love you and see you tonight" He started talking to someone else.

"Yeah ok lov-" The phone hung up before I could finish.

It hurt little that he would just hang up like that. Maybe he is just very busy, he did call saying he had a lot of work to do.

The house was quiet with the only thing being able to hear was the living room T.v. I started watching a show on destiny channel called Casey Undercover.

As time started to fly by as I watched more episodes.

7:30-8:30-9:30 PM then at ten I decided to get into bed still waiting on dad to get home.

I fell asleep around midnight still waiting for him to come in.


He left a note saying how he came back last night and how he'll be on the same work schedule today too.


The days scared me as I would be going into the next month. I tried imagining something my mom would say.

I envisioned her telling me to stop overthinking and that all my friends from last year would help me get around.

I began to smile and as I opened my eyes but would it quickly fade away as I woke up back into reality.

I wrote a note to myself saying I need to stop imagining things or it'll only hurt me more.

My thoughts ran around my head as I just sat there thinking.

"My thoughts will get the best of me to stop imagining things and wake up."