The next morning i jumped out of bed and started to look in my desk draws for the note my mom gave me so long ago, soon enuff i found it hiding all the way in the back crumbled.I take a closer look at it and see some of the water damage it took when i would cry holding on to it, i examine it for a little and then i see were it says her contact information, i quickly scramble around my room looking for my phone and then soon enuff i found it, i type in her number and start thinking of what i was going to say.Then i think back to what my dad said to me last night and the advice he said too witch was good, i start creating a draft and 5 minutes later i come out with this "Dear mom, i know its been i while and for that i am truly sorry i haven't really spoken to you so i just wanted to reach out and see how your doing, i was also hoping that we could hang out a little over this summer to make up for all the time we missed together -sincerely JJ." To be honest i I'm really happy with the way my note came out, i got the the store to get the essentials i need to mail this to my mom, like an envelop and some stamps. I find my shoes and slide them on as i race down to the mail box, i put in the card in the box and hope for the best from then onward. Now in present time its been two days since that envelope has reached her destination witch has me nervous and also got me thinking what if she dosen't check the mail that much anymore? What if she doesn't even live there anymore and moved? But to my surprise when i checked the mail, i got a letter back one day later, and on the front it said "to JJ from mom" in cursive of course so then i ran back home and as soon as i came busting in i yelled "she wrote back!" So loud that it echoed thorugh out the whole house, my dad opened his door and walked to the living room and sat on the couch, he pat's his hand on the seat next to him signaling me to come, so i walked over to sit next to him. I stare at the note in my hand and so does my dad, i look over at him as i see him side smile and say "that's your mothers handwriting alright" we both laugh a bit and then i rip open the top and reached inside to pull out a card. I open the card and the my surprise i see what looks like an essay of words, i start reading out loud to my dad it did take some time though because of how long it was but it basically said that she was so happy i reached out and she was vary much so looking forward to hanging out with me over the summer. Me and my dad both look at each other and go speechless, then he said to me "well boy you better start packing because it looks like your going to St. Mary Lake." Then all throughout the night i couldn't sleep, i mean i just couldn't believe i was going to see her in three days from now, i got up and even started planning on what i was going to bring with me and soon enuff i already packed my whole bag. Its now one in the morning and I'm going to try to get some sleep tonight. As i turn to turnoff my lamp i get into i really weird formation on my bed and look at the ceiling and think, about what its going to be like with my mom when i see her and even what she looks like now. And then i stop and think, "mom i can't wait to see you."