In the year 1952 following the creation of the Paranormal Containment Division, it was decided by researchers that a classification of the many species on Earth was needed to provide quick and resourceful information to first responders.
Species are classified based on potential power or 'threat level' as most citizens criticize. The following are classifications of species in a broad generalization, but does not contain every species, since other species are considered subcategories. Classifications are still argued about to this day.
{Upper Celestial Realm}
-Elder Fae-
-Ancient Fairy-
{Archaic Realm}
(It is to be noted that creatures of the Archaic realms are either extinct or near extinction, their lineage stretching back to the time of the Gods where they quite literally walked the Earth together, side by side, in mutual dependency.)
{Lower celestial realm}
-Magical Beasts-
(Elf is the most heavily debated species on where to be placed, and if perhaps another realm should be made. But this has also been denounced since Elves evolve to Fae and therefore should stay in the same realm classification.)
{Upper Nether realm)
{Upper Primordial realm}
-Fire primordial-
-Earth primordial-
-Air primordial-
-Water primordial-
-Metal primordial-
-Lightning primordial-
{Upper Undead realm}
{Newt realm}
-Witch- (Powers gained genetically for human women.)
-Cleric- (Powers of healing and small miracles gained genetically for humans. Clerics are usually kept to the churches.)
-Wizard- (Powers learnt from spell books, but only humans are able to do this, yet not every human is able to learn magic as well.)
-Warlock- (A human sells their soul to a God to gain power from that domain. Upon death the soul then ascends to that domain. Humans have to be raised up to be Warlock in order to sell their soul, going through many rituals and 'Ascension' before coming of age for the final ceremony.)
-Psychic- (It is believed that psychics came about when Elder Faes mated with humans. And now the psychic powers belonging to the fae remain dominant throughout certain human lineages creating Psychics.)
-Alchemist- (A human that has what is called 'The Golden Touch'. This roots back to the tale of Rumplestiltskin, where a man turned wheat into gold. Alechimists are able to transform materials from one form to another, but cannot create matter out of thin air. 'The Golden Touch' pops up here and there in humans, seeming to be a recessive gene, but it seems that it can be mainly tracked through Germanic lineage.)
-Druid- (Druids came about when Ancient Fairies lied in bed with humans. This created a secluded tribe of humans known as the Druids who had and bore fairy-like powers.)
{Cursed Realm}
(People whose ancestors were cursed by the Gods, the curse passing down making them and their ancestor no longer human.)
{Lower Primordial realm}
-Fire spirit-
-Water spirit-
-Air spirit-
-Earth spirit-
-Metal spirit-
-Lightning spirit-
{Juno realm}
-Frost giants-
{Lower Nether realm}
{Lower Undead Realm}
-Poltergeist- (Vengeful spirit.)
-Spirit- (A peaceful soul still lingering.)
-Ghost- (A neutral soul with an unfinished task.)
{Terraine Realm}
{Aqualic Realm}