Florida was shocked and wanted to close the door but Mason already woke up the moment she opened the door. He didn't have the mind of explaining whatever she saw.He greeted her and she was just speechless. Florida check up on Rachael and found out that she was asleep. Mason felt the need to leave since one of her friends is here.

Rachael woke up and was feeling thirsty, Florida question her by asking her if she was dating Mason... Rachael told her to just give her water cause she is feeling very thirsty. Florida was curious about what happened but Racheal did not explain since she is not feeling great.. She just went back and rest.

Florida met up with their friends Evlin and Debris and told them that she thinks Rachael is in a relationship with Mason and she met them asleep in each other's arms..Even though she exaggerated a bit about it. Unknown to her that Debris has a thing for Mason and they are not aware about. Debris hatred for Rachael grew. Debris excused herself from the discussion and went out to tell Mason about Rachael's crush even though she knew she might end up ruining the friendship of two close friends.

Mason was with Fredrick in his house and they were conversing about an upcoming event but it's about surprising someone that was when Debris banged on Mason's door..Mason stood up and open the door with the mind that he was not expecting any visitor and he saw Debris and invited her in. Debris was speechless because she was blinded by the beauty of his house she entered the sitting room with pictures of Mason's parents hanging at the walls and wallpaper were at the tv stand.. She was mesmerizing about the beauty of the house.. Mason brought her out of her thought by asking her to take a seat and that he was taken by surprise..He told her he was expecting no visitor and he doesn't know what to offer her as a guest.... Debris answered "you can actually cook for me before telling you why I am here," Mason didn't know how to reply since he didn't have the mind to cook for her..Debris continue "Rachael told us of how a great cook you are"..Mason then answered "why are you the only one if I am a great cook.She replied I have something important to tell you but firstly, I'm famished and I need to eat.. Fredrick's voice came from the wine cellar telling her that she's a girl and can fix something for herself..So Debris had no choice than to move into the kitchen but she also complained about being a guest and not treated like one.Mason was about to help her out and Fredrick called him and Mason went to sit beside him on the stool at the wine cellar then Fredrick told him he think Debris is cunning and upto no good and he should be careful with her then he left...

Mason was left alone with Debris so he went to the kitchen to help her out....Mason asked upon his entering that does she need help?..she said she needed help with the veggies and she was making Cobb salad...

After they were done cooking..they set up the dining table and Debris started digging in her food and try to make small talks with Mason... Mason then question her"why did you got her drunk and what are your intentions"Debris ignored his question and said"I heard you guys slept together and I hope it was nice. Mason answered"I only took care of her because she was ill and that was a misunderstanding that needs to be cleared up".. Debris replied will it be a misunderstanding for me to say I like you or that Rachael isn't into you and doesn't love you like you do love her or you love her to the extent of clearing up things on her behalf".. Those words were riling him up and Mason said angrily "you don't have any right to intefer in my life or hers" Debris answered "what if she loves someone else and the person is close by,what will you do? will you let her go?? I'm really really curious..Mason was about to reply when he heard a knock on his door...When he opened the door,lo and behold,it was......