Sitting at the dining table made me very nauseous, that right it's almost been two days since I have gone for a walk. I feel the itch I want to fight. Someone arrives at the dining room table without me even noticing, I immediately get out of my seat and look at the man "Nigel!!!" Screams Cidny as she jumps on him "oh how's my favorite niece… oh my you've grown 'of course it's been eight years' really that long oh my god who this young fellah… Cindy Clyde get out of the room 'wait why' that boy killed your brother" their welcome home treating is shortly interrupted, when looks at me, so act dumbfounded, it doesn't work, he shoot at me, I then throw the table in the air to provide myself with cover I can hear Cindy and Nigel argue as he fires at me, while they argue I try to maneuver around "stop that's my boyfriend 'Cidny your boyfriend is a psychopath who has been killing your father's employees, employers, and your brother and father' no it's not possible 'yes he gave information to your brother and forced him to shoot your father then go home just to shoot himself' no he's… it's not possible" I hear a smack. He hit her, I lunge at him, and I keep hitting him, as he tries shooting me with his gun hand, I dislodge his shoulder, doing so I keep hitting him again and again, every hit, I see every person I've killed, I stop when he finally passed out I look to Cidny I see Saya for split second then, I crawl to her, and I'm crying, I check to her see if her heart was beating, and when heard is beat I felt so relieved. I believe that my lie James has taken over. Clyde is in a corner screaming because of the gunfire. I throw the gun that Nigel had at him to shut him up, and as soon as he sees his own blown he pasesses out. I carry Cidny through the estate while I hear the guards assemble around the house, I go back to the main hall to get my helme, I tell Michael to survey the area [you have 33 enemies surrounding the house] (is there a sub basement) [yes planning a route right now] I can't go for the bike because the guard towers (alright how long ahhh..) someone shot me in the shoulder, I turned to see it was Clyde "don't take my sister!!" He spends all his ammo before throwing up I put Cidny down, I go up to Clyde, then pull brass knuckles out of my pocket. (I was going to save this for your father, but you disgust me raping young South American boys, dealing cocaine to cartels and doing lines at a club) he then cries as I pull on his hair,he grabs at my arm screaming mercy, but then silenced when beat him until his left eye pops out and then passes out do to the pain.
As I get down to the sublevels for the estate I see a long tunnel, Michael points out how far I need to go as well as which turns I should make on my hud, as I make my way out, Cidny starts to wake up, I put her down so I can try to stuff a piece of ripped cloth in the wound [what's your next move] (get out) Michael talk to as I make progress on stuffing my wound [well that's obvious, I'm asking about the girl, I know you put on an act for her, are you going to tell her about what you really are like] (and what am I really like) [well for starters your not good being sarcastic, you carry large accumulative pieces of knowledge, and you kill those who feed fear into the mouths of innocents, and you do this because you like it, but for all I know your just lying to me as well as yourself] (I'll improvise for when that happens) "you'll improvise for what" Cindy is finally waking up (are you okay) she slaps my hand for when I try to help her up "are they dead?" She asks (no, they're are both extremely injured) "are you going to kill me" (no you weren't apart of your father's influence in his sex trafficking business or apart of your brothers antics) "what do you mean" (I was bread to fight, and I fight an kill those who are like your father and your brothers by any means necessary) "what did my brothers and Nigel do exactly?" (Your brother Clay took a part of your father's business that he was doing on the side, which was trafficking cocaine, opium, and other laced drugs, Clyde wasn't in the organization for the benefit towards a better South America but for the young boys) "I can't believe it… that's disgusting" I then show her pictures, she then throws up, she then says "what about Nigel" (same as your father, but he was your father's lover a long time ago) "what" (I did some digging and found a confession from your brother on what really happened to your mother, I figured out he was telling the truth, because Nigel told me Clay killed your father, but enough talking we need to go) "no I'm not going anywhere with you" (don't be stupid) "you used me to get to my family, didn't you !" (...) " Didn't you" (yes I did) " how could you" (how could I? Your father…) " I don't care about my fucking father, how could you make manipulate me like this"(...)" Your speechless, you…" ( I didn't want to kill anyone, even though I enjoy killing those like your father and Nigel and your brothers. I wanted to humiliate them) "that makes no sense to me" (do you love me) "stop"(do you love me) " I don't know what your trying to get at" (I need you) I lie (I need you in my life) "how can believe, you lied to me…" I quickly took off my helmet, ani xxd then locked my lips with her she slowly gave in, it reminded me of my time with Saya, it was short, but sweet. She then shoves her thumb into my wound, it doesn't phase me, I then grab her hand, then we leave together.
Are journey back to MIT was quiet, I gave Cidny all the information I gathered, so she could get a clearer picture on what her brother, her father as well as his lover did in the shadows. Also she would ask small questions some being my actual name, I told her I would tell her once we get back to MIT, I lied once I said I needed her, I want something like Cindy, I want to have something that I can hold, I'm not truly in control. I'd be the exact same way when I was with Saya, it made me so angry at myself, but I lost Saya.
Getting to MIT wasn't really all that difficult due to the fact that after we left her family estate, the estate blew up due to that fact Michael sent the footage of my efforts to Overwatch, she got to see that I didn't clean up my mess I made so she sent Chris to clean up. Cindy learned through watching the news on tv screen in a diner on one of our stops back to MIT, though when I looked at her, there was no sadness, there was just relief, maybe she feels relief, knowing she could throw that life behind her forever, I know she is a really strong, but everyone has a breaking point. I'll be there for her when she does. We finally get back to the dorms I tell her that I'm going to go talk to her teachers and excuse her absence. Cindy goes to her dorms, meeting up with Cidny's teachers was something to less than desired, most of them were teachers that held her in very high regard and we're very disappointed when she didn't show up to class, some of them said they would waive her absence, others said it didn't really matter,it's that she is farther than anyone else in the class. I go to my storage container to get most of my things packed before leaving, suddenly I get a text from Cidny to meet her at her dorm, I then pack most of my gear in a backpack then Sprint the rest way, my legs are moving faster than the mobile shuttles, getting to her dorm was the only thing I could think of, as I reach her door I slow my breathing, and calm myself I heard a small explosion in the distance, and open her door to look out her window, because it faces the innermost part of the city I smell smoke, large sirens, as I place my helmet on I try to triangulate where the explosion came from. My paranoia believes that it's Chris cleaning up the rest of the goons under Yakuza flags. I call him {hey what the fuck man, what have you been doing} (going for a walk) {shut the fuck up man} he's brething quite heavy {well I hope your better now, but O was so hurt when you left, and my sister, why the sudden leave} (soon) {alright I'll hold you to that} I hang up and turn to Cidny, there a suitcase next to her, she is wearing her favorite black jeans, a crop top sweater, and a baseball cap with her ponytail sticking out of it, she only wears a hat when she travels.(where are you going) "I'm going with you" she says,then her roommate makes a sarcastic cry while hugging her "I'm going to miss you so so so so so so much " while her an her roommates say their goodbyes, I talk to Michael [so she's coming with] (I guess so) when I communicate with my helmet there are curtain setting to where I can conceal sound, (can you buy another ticket) [I already did… can you do me a favor though] (what is it) [tell her about Saya]
I gather Cidny's things and call a private taxi service, as I'm putting are things a way Michael gives me are flight plan and how long are drive will take, he's also going to send it to are automated taxi. Are drive will be two hours, I tell Michael to set the audio in the care to lofi hip hop, I know it's Cidny's favorite type of music when the music starts playing I feel a calm settled presence come from her, seeing her like this after going through so much hardship (why) "hmm" she hums (why are you coming with me) "your asking that now" I realize it's too late for me to ask (I'm sorry) "I'm just waiting for you to tell me about yourself, because you said you need me, so I want to know who needs me" I take off my helmet, I realize that, more often than not I always have my helmet on without even noticing, I hand it to Cidny, she grabs it with both hands and states " there better not be any porn on here" when she puts my helmet on I tell Michael to give her everything [Even the stuff you don't know] (yes) "who's that" (it's Michael, he's my AI) (HI, nice to meet you) I press the button to cancel out sound for her, while she learns about how I'm a monster among men, I finally get some sleep. It's only a two hour drive to the airport, I don't think she can grasp the concept of my purpose that quickly, shortly after I start to rest my eyes, Cidny latches on to my hand, she's trembling, I get closer to her, and wrap my arm around her, thinking that'll bring her comfort later on. Sometimes she would be stagnant, then on the other she would hit me in the leg with a closed fist, when we finally reached the airport, she takes off the helmet then glared at me and says "I'm not done" the airport was more or less packed, though when we got on the plane there was only me Cidny and the stuardise's I felt at ease, I never feel this way, I'm either angry at the world, or angry at myself. I always feel the urge to kill those I deem worthy, I can feel the itch. Something's off, as soon as I put are bags up, I go talk to one of the stuardise's, (name) "what?" She says I get closer (name) "I-345" (where is she) "Korea" I get more timid (where in Korea) I feel something touching me, I looked down to see that there is a 44 magnum pointed at my cock I look at her and she is smiling "call me Isa, ee-sa, got it memorized!" Her smile then turns to a frightening glare, her presence turns to immediate hate for me, it scares me.
Me an Isa talk for the first hour of our flight she tells me that her and her girlfriend have been apart of the third part the Overwatch created to watch over since it became a pet project after operation burning torch, which is where I invaded a compound befriended the compounds commanding officer and stole plans for a hydrogen bomb, I killed over a hundred people that day trying to remember that day gives me a nosebleed, I remember the feeling of killing all those people, women, children, the old, and the young. I hear her tell me that I need to be watched because my drive to derive people of their hate as well as their sorrow is just some false lie I tell myself so I can't see the true monster inside, Isa knows this, because when she was younger she enjoyed killing people who hurt others, then she realized through the eyes of the one she loved, she is just like those she killed, maybe even worse. I try to fully grasp the idea that Isa knows everything about me, not because she read a report, but because she was me. I thank Isa for the talk, she then tells me " if we see each other again… It will be that I have to kill you… the next time you go berserk will be the last time you understand, I won't kill her." I understand what Isa is saying she is the same as Mr.kotegawa in more ways than one. As I return to my seat Cidny ask "do you know each other?" (She is a very old friend) "oh how long has it been since you've seen each other?" (Too long…) Cidny then looks at me with aw (what) she states "I've seen you smile, but I knew it was always kinda, I don't know how but I new even when we were friends you had it, but right now you're smiling, and I can see it's genuine… I have to take a picture" she is very fast with her phone, even everything she just said went over my head, it would be rude to ask again. Afterwards we talk for thirty minutes, about what she will be doing, because I'll be going to the academy and she is a couple years older than me, she said, "I'll go to college, but I'll have to wait for my application, until then I'll get a job" I agree with every bit of what she said, the only times I'd have to look after her would be when she's home and I'm not, I'll have Chris handle that. If I have a business that'll take me out of country… I can trust her by herself, she is strong, after all she is stronger than me.