is this from your boyfriend?
risa- 😌yes
friend- what did he do?
risa- he is working in an office..
friend-oh nice
suddenly a young handsome man with good looking personality (hiroto) arrives as a cheafguest( CEO) to her college
and take a lecture..she really surprised and some one in the lecture hall asks to him in the end of the lecture u have girlfriend..?
he replies- the question is not related to our topic ..but also I will say you..I have a girlfriend. she looks really cute..right now she is there in front of me I will hug her ...( saying this words by seeing her )
after the lecture risa is slowly thinking and walking suddenly hiroto pulls her to a private place in the college and keep looking her eyes and he will say to her, to remove his spects.. and he will start kissing her ...
while kissing her friend suddenly see this situation and hiroto will give a handsome look to him( like she is my girl)and he will move from there..