"tap tap" ( knock on the door) as I moved my chair behind I saw an unfamiliar face.Looking towards me stands a charming complexion with straight texture boy of late teen. while i said "come in" . "thank you ma'am" said the boy with a familiar smile I have known a long ago,it gave me sudden sensation,while he was a intern in my company. while my job was to interview them. Past few years had been a bit easier to me.....while remembering those embarrassing early years is quite painful to me.
As usual my first question goes round " Introduction please" quite with an attitude....as always I feel proud for what I'm today..."I'm Eric Mak from Arunachal " in a very polite way as i expected and then he hand me over his so called documents....Well as usual I run off the documents playing my fingers upon my chin.... but there was an astonishing thing which I prayed never to come back to me....while there is a saying " mistakes of past haunts you in your present future and after"