Chereads / The 12th Guardian / Prologue: The Darkest Day

The 12th Guardian

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Prologue: The Darkest Day

Once the world used to be a somewhat peaceful one, the different races coexisted and worked together. The races were governed by 12 of the strongest chosen warriors of the time. Each one was given their own respective titles and bestowed an ability from The Almighty Creator himself. 11 were chosen at random among the next generation of warriors. While the last was deemed from one of the noble bloodlines. Starting with the Great King Ruko, the first Twilight Guardian. These Guardians defeated The Sin during their first appearance, keeping thousands alive. Decades have passed since then and peace has been kept in the world. Explorations were made by the Guardians, Islands were discovered and treasures uncovered. So we come now to the current Twilight Guardian, King Shiro of White who has helped foster and keep this peace.

S.Y. 630, Seto 2 5:09 S.Q. - Somewhere on Guardian Island

"I..I don't want to do this anymore."

[The Guardian of Death]

"Trust me it will be fun, now we go."

[Dark Force]

"B..but I'm scared."

[The Guardian of Death]

"Don't be, it won't hurt us any bit."

[Dark Force]

[The Guardian of Death, slices her throat]

The water in the well begins to darken, slowly spilling into the outside streams.

Same Time - Clinic Room


[New Born]

"Congratulations Queen Zenie & King Shiro, it's a boy."

[Doctor 1]

"A boy, what type?"

[Young King Shiro]

"A lion."

[Doctor 2, wrapping up the newborn]

[Doctor 2 passes a red eyed dark skin baby Nightwalker, with bright red hair to the Queen]

"What will you name him my Queen?"

[Doctor 2]

"We were thinking of Twilight."

[Young Queen Zenie]

"What a beautiful name."

[Doctor 1 washing off]

"Excuse me! Excuse me! You can't just burst in here in the middle of an operat..."

[Nurse getting pushed into the operating room]

"Big bro, we've got a problem. Z you should know too...We found the traitor."

[The Guardian of Pride]

"Who was it, my sister."

[Young King Shiro playing with Twilight in Zenies arms]

"It was Shera."

[The Guardian of Pride]

"You can't be telling the truth!"

[Queen Zenie]

"I am, I am sorry Z it seems it was. But that's not the worst part. It seems the larger plan was to corrupt Wellspring."

[The Guardian of Pride]

"So clear it up with the Magic crystals. Can't you see I'm busy right now."

[Young King Shiro]

"We tried and we can't seem to stop it, it's the only reason I'd bother you today."

[The Guardian of Pride]

"Just hurry back Hunny, it's fine. And Mishella we will all talk about what happened then too."

[Young Queen Zenie]

"Are you sure my love?"

[Young King Shiro]

"Yes, we've got plenty of time to be together. You should go protect the kingdom before this little one outshines you."

[Young Queen Zenie]

"Let us hurry then."

[Young King Shiro rushing out with Mishella]

Young King Shiro & Mishella head into Wellspring, where they see the dead body of Shera. The two of them continue on exploring the area.

"Hahaha, I see you've finally arrived, my young fledgling."

[Dark Force]

" is this even possible. Where are you! Show yourself!"

[Young King Shiro, outraged]

"In due time young one."

[Dark Force]

"Search for him quickly Mishella."

[Young King Shiro]

[Young King Shiro and Mishella frantically searching]

"How do you think he's still alive?"

[Mishella, puzzled]

"No idea but this time we will find him, and make sure he never returns."

[Young King Shiro]

"It's too late, even if you do stop me things have been set in motion for this world's destruction."

[Dark Force]

"We'll stop that too."


"Not if you're already dead."

[Dark Force, attacking Mishella]

S.Y. 630, Seto 2 11:47 S.Q. - Guardian Island Fishing docks

[The Sky, as well as the surrounding sea, has become dark & gloomy]

"My Queen must leave now."

[Royal Aid]

"No, what about my husband and the other Guardians, I should be by their side."

[Young Queen Zenie]

"You just had the Prince, King Shiro will be fine. Let us get you two to safety."

[Royal Aid]

The Queen fled the island leaving her husband behind to protect their newborn son. The King however never made it off the island. Staying behind he fought his fellow guardians, corrupted by the sin, and eventually he was overwhelmed. The corruption kept spreading and the world seemed to become a darker place. Hope was still alive in the beginning, but then months passed, then years. The Guardian Island, now known as The Dark Island, changed the people who were too close to the corruption outbreak. Becoming what is now known as Dependent. It took some time after Shiro's death, and the dimming of the Twilight Temple, but eventually the other Temples went dark as well.

S.Y. 634, Agi 45, 7:38 S.Q. - Somewhere unknown

"Where are we?"

[Explorer 1]

"I'm not really sure either, my older brother said it's like some temple."

[Explorer 2]

"Temple for who, a god?"

[Explorer 3]

"No, the greatest Guardian."

[Explorer 2]


[Explorer 3]

"Yeah, protectors of the world."

[Explorer 2]

"That's a lie if they were real protectors wouldn't they be here."

[Explorer 3]

"My brother said they were all Forsaken & the greatest of them all was killed by the others."

[Explorer 2]

"Rumor has it he had a son right."

[Explorer 3]

"No way, if he did this would be glowing aren't I right."

[Explorer 2]

"Yeah it would, they say it's never gone out since the first Guardian."

[Explorer 2]

[The ground begins to shake]


[Explorer 1]

"What's happening?!"

[Explorer 3]

"I don't..."

[Explorer 2]

[A bright light burst through the temples alter]

"Holy Shit...does this mean...."

[Explorer 1]

"My brother was right?"

[Explorer 2]


[Explorer 3]

S.Y. 634, Agi 45, 7:45 S.Q. - Somewhere unknown *5 Minutes Earlier*

"We are almost ready to move."

[Cloaked Figure 1]

"We believe they are located somewhere around here."

[Cloaked Figure 2]

"We've got to find him and destroy him before they realize!"

[Dark Figure]

"Yes, and we will my children. Then we can finally revive the master in his true form."

[Cloaked Figure 3]

"We just need to hatch our siblings, we know where they all are."

[Cloaked Figure 4]

[A light burst into the sky in the far distance]

"So it finally happened after 4 years."

[Dark Force]

"This will not hold us back master, it just means we must find him all the sooner."

[Dark Figure]

"You better!"

[Dark Force, vanishing]