Chereads / The Dragon of Aether / Chapter 8 - Chapter 7 Triumph against the cold

Chapter 8 - Chapter 7 Triumph against the cold

It was almost midnight when the man in white armor reached the location of the fire. The man did not know what he was about to walk into as he approached the fire.

"I do hope that whoever happens to be camping here has an extra place to sleep" said the man in white armor. "But if they don't I can just take it from them."

When he reached the camp he was expecting to see tents or people but all he saw was a lone campfire and a knocked over tree.

"There's nobody here?" The man in white armor asked himself. "But this fire looks like it was made by someone and that tree.. how was it cut down it's half the size of me?!"

The man then looked to his left to see a pile of bones which clearly were houver skeletons.

"Someone killed Houvers here an-" the man in white armor smelled something. "I smell a dragon. And it was just here but I only smell it on these bones?" He was confused "did it seriously eat two Houvers, jeez that thing can eat a lot. Well I might as well make myself comfortable this fire seems to dispel darkness so it's a good place to rest."

The man in white armor climbed up on-top of the fallen tree and sat down staring at the fire.

"The more I look at that fire the more I hate it" the white knight said this out of nowhere. "Well it's the best I got if I wanna sleep tonight". Suddenly he slipped off the tree because it was covered in some excess houver meat which made it slippery and he fell behind it landing on something scaly and hard while also bouncing him of it onto the ground.

"What the hell was that?!?" The white night asked himself as he got up. "I guess sleeping in top of the tree is not a go-" he was cut off when he heard faint snores from next to the fallen tree. "Wait a minute is that?" He saw a dragon sleeping behind it the tree muffling his snores. "Dragon." He licked his lips as he was hungry to kill a dragon but there's also the fact that apparently in this world dragon is a delicacy to humans and it's taste would make even vegans crave for it so that's also probably a reason.

The white night studied the dragon as he thought it almost matched the description of the creature he was supposed to hunt for a quest except well it wasn't a baby anymore.

"This dragon seems to be my target but it also is much bigger than I thought wasn't this thing supposed to be a baby?" The man in white armor thought to himself but didn't care about the details anymore. "It doesn't matter a dragon is a dragon they kill so many people so even if it isn't my target I'll still kill it." He drew his spear and the blade of it was covered in magic crystal dust which made it super sharp. Sharp enough to break a dragons scales and pierce its hide in one attack. "This will be easy since it's asleep I still get the jump on it."

Now we jump to Zeniths point of view we're he is currently dreaming of eating many foods.

"Food the dragon said to himself in his sleep but it sounded like a snore to others. Right when he was about to chomp down a chikiko leg he felt a sharp pain in his torso immediately waking him up.

"AGGHHH" Zenith cried a loud roar as he looked down to see a large spear has pierced his scales and hide and a man in white armor pulling it out and then the man stabbed Zenith again piercing his hide and scales again and when the man pulled it out again zenith jumped behind the fallen tree and put his tail on his wounds as they were now pouring out blood.

"You can't run dragon you'll pay for killing innocent people!" Said the man in white armor as he climbed the fallen tree.

"Oh no this isn't going to end well" said zenith and he looked up to see something spiky and blue. He then rolled out of the way as it crashed down right were he was sending the spikes in man directions one had been implanted in his wing as he protected himself with it.

"Was that.. ice?" Zenith studied the spike and it was indeed ices and suddenly he felt a coldness rush over him as he felt a blizzard hit him at full force even knocking him back.

"You can't fly away now beast. You will die by my ice magic and my spear!" Said the man in white armor as he jumped off the fallen tree stabbing the spear into his wing pinning Zenith to the ground.

"Damn This person he's very strong, if I want to survive this I have to somehow get out of this. "Wait a minute I know exactly what to do"

Zenith then started charging a flame blast his head aimed at the man in white armor.

"Your fire will not work on me for this armor has been enchanted to be immune to fire" the man in white armor then shot knife made of ice at the dragons mouth.

In reaction to this Zenith closed his mouth on the fully charged flame blast defending him from the knife made of ice but then he suddenly swallowed the charge.

"This won't be good will it.." zenith then suddenly burst into flames hiss scales burning like the sun his body seemed to somehow be powered up and the spear the man had heated up and burned the mans hands a causing him to let go.

"What the?" The man in white armor was confused as to why the dragon had suddenly been powered up with fire and so was the dragon himself. "No matter my ice may not work on you not but I only need my spe-" he then realized the spear was still stabbed into zeniths wings and the dragon pulled them up and grabbed the spear with his tail yanking it out his wing now had a giant hole in it meaning he couldn't fly for awhile.

"You've made a grave mistake attacking me human" said Zenith who then let out a loud roar making the man in white armor's ears bleed and a ringing sound played in them too.

Zenith then gathered a bunch of magic around him purple and black electricity bounced from scale to scale like he was emitting electricity.

"Wait is that? DARK LIGHTNING?!? But I thought that only the most elite people in the kingdom of stregneral could use it. I mean they did create it." The man looked in awe as this was king level magic that surpassed his own.

"TAKE THIS. DARKEST LIGHTNING STRIKE!!!" Zenith screamed this as a roar came out and he fires a small beam hitting the man in white armor as it just seemed to do no damage.

"Oh shit I'm gonna die" the man said this as the attack hit him and did little to no damage to him "Hahahah dragon you truly are weak your attacks do nothing to m-" just then the man was struck by a huge bolt of a black and purple lightning which was visible from the kingdom of Kuityun.

When the strike stopped all that was left was a pile of ash and a destroyed piece of the forest along with the dragon standing there staring at the ash pile.

"I.. killed him.." Zenith said this as he fell to the ground tired from the attack falling into a deep sleep as the blood stopped pouring out of his wounds.