The door bell rings Katie, quickly runs and go gets it and sees the family of three Katie quickly invites them in then quickly the parents shoo the kids the younger kids including cam ran cam went a separate way and the others went the other way while the older child sits outside on the balcony Katie, sits down smiling "I'm dale," dale had said although his wife looked sad "I-I'm Kylie," Kylie said frowning "ok so look if Cameron is to stay here a few days you must know that he's a bit allergic to certain stuff and he could be rebellious can you deal with that," dale said "I can deal with that after all my son could be a bit rebellious if he's angered but my sons really good with his brother," Katie said smiling "oh that's good well look at the time we got to go we'll pick Cameron up next week I guess," dale said smiling Kylie and dale both got up "Avon! And Tyler! We're leaving," dale had said then the two boys came down "daddy and mommy do we have to go I like it here Thomas has Giantmon and superhero simulator 20," Avalon said disappointed dale just nodded and they left Cameron, Cameron ran downstairs with Tommy holding hands Katie looked at the twos hand Cameron got embarrassed and had let go "is it... not allowed," cam said frowning but Katie, smiled "it's allowed just that Tommy never usually hold hands with someone not even me I'm kinda jealous," Katie said smiling awkwardly she then takes both their hands and allowed them to hold hands "Now what do you guys want for dinner," Katie said Tommy, and Cameron smiled at each other " we want poutine," they both said Katie, smiled she walked towards the kitchen turning the tv on for the kids Tommy, was about to put on the adventures of menu but then he forgot that America doesn't have it and he frowned "why are you frowning Tommy," cam said worried Tommy, looked up sad "it's just I forgot my favorite cartoon the adventure of menu isn't in this country," Tommy frowned and cried then Katie, remembered something and ran towards Tommy wiping his tears "hey I forgot to mention something because of the strings I pulled I was able to connect our cable to every world cable so basically we can watch every channel and every tv show from that channel so that includes..." Katie said hoping Tommy, would get the hint luckily he did he smiled "the adventure of menu," Tommy said putting the channel on cam was slightly confused "don't worry a lot of kids where we live love this tv show," Katie said smiling then she walked back to the kitchen.