It took Hazel a moment to process what Will just said. That definitely seemed like flirting. So what was actually going on? He said he had only ever liked one person…but now it seemed like he might like her too.
When he used the word 'lost' did it mean that the one he liked died or got snatched up by someone else? How long ago had it been? If the woman he really cared about was married already, it wasn't such a stretch that he wouldn't care about who he ended up with.
Maybe they were in the same boat. Both of them had someone else tucked away in their hearts but knew that things would never work out. Hazel had been about to become homeless and Will lived by himself in the middle of nowhere without any sort of companionship.
In practical terms, they were a perfect match. They fulfilled each other's needs to a T. Will gave her a place to stay and in turn she was a readily available person to play pool with and talk to when he came home from work.