Chereads / City Plunder World Crazy / Chapter 124 - Episode 123:Tournament

Chapter 124 - Episode 123:Tournament

-Morning after 

Sune Jumps through Perinas portal, the Blackbands wait for him on the other side

Sune:*Shouting* Alrightttt—! I'm ready!! Let's win this!!

Mune looks at Sune then instantly mimics his energy

Mune:U-Up and at them guys!

Sune:*Confused* That's not something I would say…

Mune:I'm a copy of you!

Ivan:Krrrrr so unfair I can't fight! Krrr why can't I have a copy of myself!? So unfair! 

Vivian:Do your best…Sune…

Foxxy:Ivan why do you even want a copy of yourself?

The Blackbands arrive at the entrance of the Helliseum, they approach a worker who immediately spouts demands 

Worker:For those who aren't participants please go to the right, team Blackband go to the left, through the curtain to get checked up…

Sune:Right! *Turning around* See ya guys after!

Foxxy:*Itching her nose* Good luck Sune! [Why does he smell like that..?]

Sune waves his team bye then walks through the the curtains, a portal opens behind the group

Perina:Darn. I missed the send off…

Vivian:Hey could you-


Cutting Vivian off Perina portals the Blackbands into the Mana realm 


Lucas:This..This right here is why you aren't my type!

Ivan:Krrrrr that does- umph!

Ivan gets punched in the face by Liam 

Liam:My bad! It's just hearing your growl sound "krrr" was unpleasing!

Ivan:Y-You….Unpleasing…? K-Krrrrr nothing can save you now!

Ivan and Liam start scuffling

Vivian:Ivan come on! Perina you're not gonna stop them?

Perina:They can fight each other for now.. 

Foxxy walks up to Perina

Foxxy:*Itching her nose* Why did you call us back?

Perina:It's about Sune..

Foxxy:*Itching her nose* What about him. [He smelled off a few minutes ago..]

Anderson walks from behind Perina

Anderson:They don't know about Sune?

Lucas:Know what about Sune? 

Vivian:*Pointing* Why is he here? Why! Is he here??!

Anderson:I'm a guest. (Pointing is rude by the way.) [Maybe Kukan hasn't awakened yet?] 

Cory:I can help!

Vivian observes Corys body

Vivian:Cory I see you're in better shape!

Garneil:*Smirking* Hey scumbands!

Lucas turns with utmost urgency ready to pounce

Lucas:*Pissed* Lemme at em! Lemme at em!

Foxxy quickly grabs Lucas to hold him back then says

Foxxy:Garneil! That's not nice Garneil! Apologize!

Garneil:Oh my apologies Foxxy *Sticking his tongue out*.

Lucas:*Pissed* Watch your back punk!

Perina:Enough games for right now, we need to explain to you all, Sunes current situation…

Vivian:*Nervous* What do you mean, current situation?

-Team Blackband 

The nurse checks Sunes body

Nurse:Ok and it doesn't hurt anywhere?

Sune:Nope all normal!

Nurse:Alrighty then! You're good to go!

The nurse looks at Robo 

Nurse:*Super shocked* What in Thors name are you?



The nurse instantly passes out 

Mune:*Shaking* Close one…I-It was almost my turn to get check up….Thanks Robo!

Sune:Okay, *Insulted*Critiquing* how am I scared of check ups? This is nothing like me!

Mune:I'm just a copy!

Robo:Masters, Perina wanted me to inform you right before the match started but I will inform you now. "Do not underestimate this opponent."

Mune:Robo just call me Mune. 

Sune:He is right though, me? *Scratching his head* We? We, can't afford to take Panther lightly. 

The stadium starts to fill up, chanting can be heard, Lord quickly takes this as his que to hype the crowd up


The crowd starts chanting "show us blood"

-Mana realm

The Blackbands surround Perina

Perina:Today Sunes gonna unleash something….


Perina:Something dark…He didn't show any signs of it during our training at least not until we went into his head…

Cory:I can help.

Cory shows his hands, they seem better

Foxxy:That's how Cory got hurt….

Garneil:Cory was hurt pretty bad…

Perina:The only reason why this concerns me is because Cory is made solely of Mana, to cause decay within him….Sunes hiding a very treacherous power…Bronco has stated this power is a curse. 

Foxxy:A curse…? Maybe that's why he smells off…

Vivian:A curse?!? M-Maybe we should back Sune out the tournament…

Ivan:Of course that's what you would do! Coward! 

Vivian looks at Ivan 

Perina:I believe this is what Aelius gave to Sune. Some sort of curse enveloped in darkness…For now all we can do is watch the match. "Portal". 

A portal appears in front of the group, they all walk through

-Blackband seating

The Blackbands appear behind their empty seats 

Perina:Hmm just in time. 

Vivian:The match hasn't started yet?

Lucas sits down then instantly stands up

Lucas:Perfect, I'm hungry let's go get food before it starts!

No one stands up with Lucas

Lucas:G-Guys the lines will only-

Foxxy:Go get food by yourself!

Lucas:*Saddened* Wha- But-! I-I don't wanna go by myself…

Lucas stands pouting, upset, then suddenly Vivian stands

Vivian:I'll go with you Lucas…(Foxxy can I get some silver?)

Foxxy hands Vivian a few silver coins 

Vivian:We'll be back in a few…

The two walk off

-Team Blackband

Sune sees a man with a clipboard 

Sune:Hey, excuse me!

Worker:Yes? [Shouldn't he be on the platform already?] 

Sune:Where is the service lady who did my power scaling?

Worker:Power scaling? That room is down that hall to the left but you really should head- 

Sunes already dashed pass him

Sune:*Waving* Hey thanks man! Come on guys!


Lucas seems upset

Lucas:She only gave us a little bit of money…

Lucas suddenly stops walking

Vivian:We don't need a ton…It's just a meal for-

Lucas:*Loudly interrupting* DANG it!!

Vivian turns around looking at Lucas

Vivian:*Startled* J-Jeez, what?

Lucas:*Loud* NONE of these girls are my type!! THEY'RE ALL UGLY! ALL THE GIRLS HERE ARE HIDEOUS!!

Vivian:*On edge* L-Lucas!

Vivian looks around noticing most of the girls looking at Lucas

Lucas:I'm uninterested stop staring! You hideous beast!

Vivian tries to quell the crowd

Vivian:*Nervous* H-He's a jokester, this guy is hahaha….

Lucas:Jokester? I'm not joking they all are not my type! Hideous! Beast!

Vivian:*Nervous laughter* Hahaha, *Whispering* (Lucas! Restroom!)

Vivian yanks Lucas all the way to the restroom area

Lucas:*Pissed* We lost our spot in line!

Vivian:*Serious tone* Lucas if you're gonna cause a scene, I won't stand in line with you! 

Lucas:I was just telling them they aren't my type! *Slouching*Smiling* They were looking in my direction.

Vivian:*Rubbing her forehead* Not one of them…Not one looked at you until you started getting loud! You are embarrassing! 

Lucas:*Insulted* Embarrassing? Maybe I'll just stand in line by myself!

Vivian:Maybe you should! 

Lucas puts his hand out 

Vivian:*Confused* What?

Lucas:I need the silver!

Vivian silently hands Lucas the silver

Lucas:*Smiling* You can head back now! 

Lucas runs off 

Vivian:Hopefully he wont take that long..

Vivian turns to head back but a person quickly approached from behind 

Voice:Hey, Vivian!

Vivian:*Startled* Oh, hey…Panther… 

Panther:*Cocky* Yeah I wanted to say how sorry I am…

Vivian:*Confused* Sorry? What exactly are you sorry for?

Panther:Murdering Blackband Sune….I know how much he means to you….

Vivian:Murder? Overconfident and you've yet to take a hit from him? That attitude of yours will change once he hits you….

Panther:Oh trust me It wont, it just really sucks you wont be able to watch me kill him live. 

Vivian:Why wont I be able to? Because you'll lose?

Panther:*Smirk* No, you wont be able to watch because.....

-Team Blackband vs Team Forfeit now 


The crowd goes wild 

Thorn:Mith this Sune kid what do you know about him?

Mith:All I know for sure is, that is Eira Blacks Blackband, that he wears on his arm…

Lord continues yelling 


The Crowd chants "let them fight"


Team Forfeit now heads out first 

Lavio:Panther where were you?

Panther:*Snappy* Mind your own business!

-To be continued