Chereads / City Plunder World Crazy / Chapter 52 - Episode 51:Orina cave

Chapter 52 - Episode 51:Orina cave

-Lucas and Ivan

Ivan and Lucas unable to see each other are webbed to the cave walls

Ivan:*Muffled*Mucmus! Mucmus!??

-Front of Orina cave

The other half of the Blackbands walk up the cave along with Camden

Camden:Ok here it is may I go now??

Sune:Of course you can!

Sune slams both his hands on Camdens shoulders,Camden jolts from this

Camden:*Shivers*Ergah....What the hell was that for?

Sune:If you want to join my crew I'd happily accept...


Sune smiles at Camden,Camden steamed turns around and walks away

Sune:*Yelling*The offer still stands if you ever want to join!!


Sune looks back to see Foxxy and Robo examining the caves entrance

Sune:*Concerned*Something wrong?

Foxxy:Well there are two entrances....

Robo:I have scanned,both are dangerous routes.

Sune:Which ones longer?

Robo:The left path.

Sune:Robo make a sign to go left just incase,Camden comes back to help.

Robo makes a arrow towards the left side

Sune:Hopefully he gets it..

Foxxy:*Sarcasm*I am sure he'll come back..

As the Blackbands walk through the left entrance,they don't notice there are sticks pointing right as if a message from someone

-City of dis

A man sitting on a throne seat is seen

Man:Mith.....Start preparations for my tournament..

Mith:Yes my king I have already....

They are both interrupted by a guard

Guard:*Out of breath*Gahaha sir...I mean Thorn king my well not my...

Thorn:Spit it out.

Guard:Right well we just got word Scioto has been taken over by the Raiders crew....King Kur Neil from our reports he's dead...

Thorn king looks unbothered

Thorn:Mith make sure we receive an extra devil hunter for the event....


-Orina cave

Sune feels the wall while walking to help guide himself

Sune:Pretty dark..

Foxxy:Robo you have a light or something?

Robo:No light found.

Sune:I'll just make a light then!

Sune uses tiger flame crush to light the way

Sune:It smells weird down here..

Foxxy:It's a old cave what did you expect?

Sune:But It's sticky to..Like string or something!


Sune:Hmm Foxxy back up for...A second.

Sune pushes Foxxy back

Foxxy:Is everything ok?

Sune:Yea I just have to see something!

Sune hits the wall with his tiger flame crush,the fire quickly burns out but you get a glimpse of some of the Blackbands and others with them webbed up on the walls

Sune:I knew it Ivan,Lucas hold on!

Foxxy:Wait Sune you don't move now!


Foxxy:The shape of those webs looked familiar...Robo scan the area!


Sune:What was familiar about them?

Foxxy begins to shake

Robo:Nothing detected,I will try infrared.

Foxxy:I only know one thing that spins webs...Arachnids!

Sune:So like spiders?

Foxxy:Use your flame on the wall again.

Sune tiger flame crushes the wall as they see Lucas,Ivan and others

Sune:Hey I didn't see Mask...

Foxxy:Mask is probably fighting whoever did this..

Sune:Ok I'm going to free them!

Robo:Master,Ivan and Lucas are shaking their heads no to that idea.

Sune:What do they mean no...No? To the one who is trying to save you?!

Robo:There mouths are restricted ask a different question.

Foxxy:Is whatever did this still here?

Robo:They said no.

Sune:Are there traps?

Robo:They said yes.

Sune:Ahhhhhh this is taking to long"Tiger flame crush".

Sune repeatedly use tiger flame crush,getting closer and closer to the others

Sune:Robo how close am I to them?

Robo:Four steps to the left.

Foxxy:Be careful!

Sune:This stuff is sticky!

Foxxy:Webs are sticky Sune you knew that.

Sune:Ok sorry which ever one you are"Tiger flame crush".

Sune punches Lucas in the stomach burning off the webs,Lucas tears off the web on his mouth on his own

Lucas:Damn*Spitting* Pbt idiot!

Sune:It was Lucas round two and awayyyy we go"Tiger flame crush"!!

Robo:Ivan is shaking his head no.

Sune frees Ivan,Ivan tears off the web from his mouth

Ivan:Agh*Spitting* Pbt pht*Angry* Whyyyyyyy!!!!

Lucas:Sune a few steps to the right free those other guys.

Sune:ok I'll try,let's see...

Foxxy:Where is Mask?

Lucas:He's the only one that didn't get webbed to the wall in the ambush.

Sune:They were hard to see to.(Are you ok sir?)

Sunes helps the man down

Man:Please get the kids to.

Sune:No problem sir!

Sune struggles but finds the kids and helps them get free of the webs

Sune:There we go.

Hou:Um my name is Hou by the way....What is your name?

Sune:I'm Blackband Sune!

Hou:I-I owe you one ok.[Must be a plunder crew]

The Blackbands hear feet tappin as he runs away with the children

Sune:That was rude huh?

Lucas:Shut up and help us try to find forwards!(Can't see.)

Lucas face first smashes into the wall

Sune:Got it covered "Tiger flame crush".

Sunes flame shows the way, It also shows Lucas holding his face in pain

-To be continued