Chereads / City Plunder World Crazy / Chapter 15 - Episode 14:Tora toda

Chapter 15 - Episode 14:Tora toda

Aelius:So far there are only four known crews to go past the contamination they are call the mothers of nature

Lucas:Yea the queens they control atleast two states each

Foxxy:The mothers of nature are worse then the contaminations?

Aelius:Well let's put it this way they have tons of plunder and if they were to band together,king Hamlet would need the contaminations

Sune:Well as of right now we need get plunder so I can buy a solid food supply

Lucas:*Satisfying drooling*Buying a fish on stick

Sune:You know it!

Aelius:(You're so easy going Sune)

Foxxy:We should get plunder to rebuild poor cities and towns

Aelius:Now don't forget there are plunder crews who's sole purpose is to kill and conquer

Sune:I guess us Blackbands will just have to put them in there place

Foxxy:*Looking away*Hesitant*Yea sure...

Aelius moving in excitement

Aelius:Are you guys entering the Thorn kings tournament?

Sune:Um I don't know what that is

Lucas:See this I know It's a tournament held by the Thorn king and Grand mage to compete for the prize of anything you want

Foxxy:Wouldn't that mean plunder and devil hunters would be there?

Aelius:Yes but it's just to supervise

Sune:So the prize is anything?

Aelius:Yea I was going to ask to get Silvers promoted she keeps downing herself

Sune:Maybe she jus needs to see her favorite brother

Aelius:No I was just there

Sune:*Ahem*I meant me

Aelius:But that would just make her feel bad

Sune kicks Aelius

Aelius:*Holding his head*Owie

Waiter:Thank you for the tip[you chumps]

They leave the fish on a stick

Aelius:Welp I'm headed out to Scioto village

Sune:Where is that?

Aelius:It's a little past Alter city and Bee queens territory

Sune:Alright(I have no idea where those are)

Aelius:I'm gonna take a portal,bee careful in Bee queens territory and get me some honey(pun intended)

Foxxy:Wasn't funny

Sune:Will do ha

Aelius:Here Sune for you

Aelius taps Sunes head

Sune:You didn't give me any..

Aelius:I-I did you just don't know it yet[Sorry Sune]

Sune:Ok but what.....

Aelius:Bye bro!And....Friends!?

Aelius teleports

Sune:*Bummed*Was it...


Robo:I have stored his voice in my inbox


Lucas:Hey Mask are you going to fix your mask

Masks:*Nods his head yes*

Sune:Cool scar by the way,how did you get it?

Mask walks off

Sune:You think he's gonna come back?

Lucas:He has to.....*Confident*

Foxxy:So guys now that we ate....Again! I say we start on what to do for reputation

Lucas:Well the contaminations are*Burps*definitely to much for us right now so somewhere small

Foxxy:How about the dung beetle mine I heard bad stuffs happening over there

Sune:How far is that,(can I take off my bandages now?)

Robo:It is three days by sea and donkey,it is eight days by foot,(your wounds haven't healed yet master)

Lucas:*Sigh*I don't suppose you have money for a donkey express Foxxy?

Foxxy:Not enough for five

Lucas:*Sigh*Let's start walking


Vol:Dammit I still couldn't beat her

Smile:If you can't beat her,you smile can at-least hurt her

Vol:I already killed her father I guess I could wait for her to have a kid then kill him

Smile:No idiot smile her fiancé smile

Vol:Ahhhh and my devious plan is made I think I know how to make myself a devil hunter

Smile:My plan smile but what's your plan smile

Vol:First we must locate him!

Smile:Yes smile sir[Swear he is stupid]

Vol:Also keep an eye on the blackband Sune kid

-8 days later

Sune:We finally made it to the Beetle mine wooooooo

Lucas:*Angrily out of breath*How are you so energetic we have been on our feet for days hardly ate to,so hungry!

Foxxy:*Pinching her nose*Oh god what is that smell

Robo:That is it,the dung mine.

Lucas looks down

Lucas:I don't think I'll be using my mud bomb here

Sune:*Chuckles*You stepped in it already

Foxxy:Eh eh eh eh disgusting

Robo:It seems and altercation is happening up ahead

Sune:Awesome maybe I can test out my dads move

The blackbands run over to all the noise

Rhino beetle:This will be my 5th time beating you in a row brother

Human:I won't lose

The human tries to kick the rhino beetle but it does nothing,the rhino beetle swings his horn tossing the human into a tree

Rhino beetle:Haha maybe next time Ivan

Ivan:Krrrrr you dare look down on me Scar

Scar jr.:*Mocking*Don't take it that way bro

Ivan:I was buying myself a bit more time"Grass thorn storm"

-To be continued