As soon as the herd saw the lake, they started
running towards it. Iney naa not Deen in tne
water for many months and could not stop
themselves from makinga dash towards the
lake. In their excitement, they did not notice
that hundreds of mice were getting trämpied
under their reet.
The mice tried to save themselves, but many
were killed and injured. ney aiso eau
wdy Datk rom tne lake, the elephants
would unknowingly old mouse
suggested that they shouid go and
narrate the wnole incident to the Queen
Elephant. Further, they should request the
Queen Elephant to take the herd from some
other route.
The mice did as suggested by the old mouse
The Queen Elephant was very sorry for the
loss that the herd had brought upon the city
of the mice. She assured the mice that the
herd would take a different route while going
back to the forest and would never come near
the city of mice. The old mouse thanked the
Queen for understanding their concen. He
also told the Queen that the mice family
would always be ready to help the elephants need be.
Many montns passed away. The King of a
nearby Kingdom was raising an army and
wanted a lot of elepharnts for his regiment. His
servants went to the forest and laid traps for
catching the elephants. The dug deep
trenches and covered them with leaves and
kept lots of bananas on them.
The elephants, while trying to reach out tor
the bananas, fell Into the traps. Ihe servants
puiled out the trapped elephants with the
help of other tamed elephants. Once out of
the trenches, the servants tied them up to the
trees with the help of thick ropes and went
back to inform the king.