Dragons have been known to be the ancient beings to the winged beast, along with the Hydra and the Great Heaven Treant. Human's was later created by the goddesses as a way of medium for messaging the holy beasts, later on, some humans became independent and followed their own path, the goddesses didn't mind as they are following their own will like the rest of the holy beasts. great hydra has taken some humans as disciples and they turned into water beings, and thus serpents have been born, some humans made home from the body of the great heaven treant and was given the power of the plants, dryads and plant spirits began to form but Dragons killed every Human they see, they were the symbol of destruction and death but after a few years, humans managed to kill one. the Humans remained victorious but was immediately punished by the gods, the Dragons pitied the Human race and decided to give them the dragon's spirit, ether. the ether that the dragons made was of pure magic energy that resembles a green ball of aura when put into one place. the Goddesses decided to leave the world of Laplace and became what it's known as shrines, Humans, Serpents, Dryads alike pray from these shrines as a symbol of hope and faith.
after the Goddesses' descent into the spirit realm, Humans began disobeying the Goddesses rule and decided to follow their own will, the dragons were enraged by these Humans' disobedience that they cursed half of the race, they became wretched beings with bloodshot eyes and extra limbs, spores leaking from their skin and bones while others poison themselves to death from their own produce but a few survived, they controlled the curse and turned it into blessing, they have gained abilities of their own, stronger and more powerful than ever before, they waged war to the human race. every innocent Died by the hands of those cursed but the Great Heaven Treant and the Ocean King Hydra were not having any of it, they ordered the humans they blessed to fight off from the war but discord between them occurred. they have left the Human country to defend themselves, both the ancients have left, disappointed at they're own by leaving the matter to their own residents. 100 years have passed since then but not a single ancient came back, only the dragons that had now the ability to turn into half human half dragon stayed. they are the only ancient beings that are forever neutral to everything they have done.