Chereads / The Original Sin / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2- Boredom

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2- Boredom

5 minutes has passed since I left Rosa to deal with our 'meal' after she decided to reveal our little secret. Currently I'm by the glass window peering down at the humans as they go about their day. One of the many perks of being a vampire, you live long enough to acquire an ungodly level of wealth. Enough to live in the most luxurious penthouse in the middle of Manhattan. Of course you wouldn't know it was a penthouse after seeing the aftereffects of one of Rosa's 'episodes'. After converting the top 2 floors of the highest apartment building in the

middle of the city into one, it won't be an exaggeration to say it's a house fit for a king.

As I continue to reminisce footsteps pull me back to reality. Rosa then proceeds to stand right next to me and we simply enjoy each other's company in silence, gazing at the people below us going about their mundane lives. After watching them grow over the corce of time, a simple saying can summarize their entire species.

'Ignorance is bliss'

I finally grow tired of watching them scurry around like ants and remember my unfinished drink I left in the other room. Just as I turn around to go retrieve it Rosa steps in front of me with a playful smile on her face.

"Were you looking for this?", she asks while twirling my drink in her hand.

Ahh, when you lived as long as we have you realize that it's the little things that matter and this is a perfect example of that.

Gratefully accepting the glass I say, "I knew you were the only one I could rely on. What would I do without you?"

"I don't know but I shudder at the thought, haha."

"So the girl?"

"Delicious as always, you really have a gift when it comes to picking out your 'meal's'."

"The body?"

"I already contacted one of the servants downstairs. They will come up and dispose of her in about 30 minutes. Now, I believe I deserve a reward."


"Rosa, what have you done today that would constitute me giving you a reward?"

"Killing the girl of course. Weren't you the one who forbade humans from knowing about vampires? She knew so I got rid of her so I repeat. Where's my reward?"

I swear it's as if her life mission is to give me an ulcer or something. Not that I can actually have one but that is neither here nor there.

"You do know that you're the one who told her what we are right?", I ask while taking a sip of my drink. Premium liquor mixed with blood has always had a calming affect on me and I needed a drink to get rid of the headache Rosa is forcing upon me.

"Details, that is of no importance..... Oh by the way, her name was Tatiana. Very pretty name."

"Well, contact one of the servants and have them send $100,000 to the family of miss Tatiana please, as our condolence gift."

This caused Rosa to burst in a fit of laughter. I pay her no mind as I go and sit down on the couch soon joined by her while holding her stomach from laughing so hard. She then rests her head down on my lap and plops her feet on the arm rest. Her lack of decorum makes me sigh.... but I choose to let it go.

Centuries ago I learned that nothing comes out of preaching to her so I just came to accept her childish moments. I've even grown to enjoy these moments but I will never let her know that. That would just cause the occurence to skyrocket, much to her joy but to my dismay.

"Woow Daaaemoooooon, I didn't know you were such a softy", Rosa chuckles under her breath.

"Sighhhh, it's called having etiquette not being soft" , I replied back softly knowing what I said went through one ear and out the other.

We stayed like this for another 10 minutes until Rosa started to succumb to my gentle pats and drifted off to sleep. I smile at this but don't stop as I begin to ponder on the dreaded question that's been plaguing this family for centuries now.

'What do we do now?'

What might seem as a simple mundane question has been the bane of my life for quite some time now. The reason why is simple..... we have done it all. We have travelled all over this planet, seen the most beautiful sights, tasted the sweetest fruits, savored the greatest of pleasures. One era we dominated the entire world and the next we played the heros. There is still stories told about us, of course using the alias we used at that time.

The one I recall the most is the title a child I adopted gave me. After performing some simple deeds like walking on water and turning water into wine, he created a whole religion about me. He even got 12 followers to spread the word and these baboons went a step ahead and wrote a whole book about the child and I, his mythical 'father'.

Unbeknownst to me, a few hours pass us by as I'm lost in my thoughts and Rosa is sound asleep.


Both my sister and I jolt up and look at each other with a common understanding we then vanish from there. A second later we appear on the roof of our building.

Rosa looks towards me, her face filled with an assortment of shock, confusion, anger and excitement.


"I know. I can feel it too."

I can tell we both have a goofy smile on our face right now. What startled us and had us up here could only be one thing. The same thing that brought us here.... to Earth. A dark glint started to shine in both our crimson eyes. My voice trailed out, heavily laced with amusement.

"What amazing timing.... I was started to get bored..."