well... it's a long thing coming, might as well do it right now. this also serves as a note to people reading this just in case there was some coincidental events or people. most of them are but some of them are inspirations from songs, series, characters from fictional worlds.
first off, Kirin Sakuraba, the 2nd generation one looked like a child, the physical inspiration aesthetic is the utaite, Mafumafu, I loved his song from when I first heard him from 2016 and still to this day, the white hair and the white clothes was a direct inspiration to his character
the 1st generation wasn't inspired nor the 3rd one which was something I really didn't know I create...
the 4th generation was almost like an older look of the 2nd generation but much more mature, with minor improvements to make it less resembling to Mafu's character, Kirin now looks like the way he is which... I haven't shown yet right?
Theia Aiha... is just my sister, she has black hair and short(lie) hair, she also has a story for her own character but Theia Aiha is a direct copy of my sister with a few differences
Naoya Von Eisen was designed like an Akatsuki from Naruto but in a more modern style, a tattered coat that covers half of his body with bandages in his upper left body. his weapon wasn't inspired by anything, rather, he has multiple weapons, more like an all-around user
Liliya Rosa was inspired and changed multiple times, at first, her design was something similar to Yuna but later at that, Liliya was further improved to look like a child with freckles and then improved once more to look like she is now, her clothing wasn't inspired by anything and her weapon was an inspired greatsword from monster hunter... 3rd or freedom unite? well it's a giant sword and that's all there is to it
Mei was... I forget... I might update this later on but from what I remember, she and her twin was inspired by the yin yang symbol, Mei was more knowledgeable and lenient while Tai was the more uptight and serious
Yuna Aiha was inspired by the persona 3 portable Femc and further improved, later with a long ponytail on her head's side and clothing that resembled somewhat like Hatsune Miku's punk rock from the song unhappy refrain.
Rin wasn't inspired in the slightest, her design is something thought of by my sister and is something completely original
Shifts/pixelyte was something original, it was my gamer name from the time I was playing online games
Ingrid Maya and Arie Maya was heavily inspired by the song from Hitoshizuku Yama, the song Karakuri burst (that was the title right?) well it's this (からくり卍ばーすと[)
long story, in a short draft that I made years ago, Ingrid and Maya was made by Kirin and Mei respectively. Liliya and Naoya was supposed to train one of them and both of them trained the same person, specifically, Arie.
Ingrid was taken by the nobles when a scout found Ingrid in a cryo chamber and released him, since he wasn't capable of breathing, a note was left where he was founded. Kirin died in the middle of creating him.
Ingrid was in the hands of the nobles when Arie knew of his brother and swore to take him which resulted in a small war that consisted of Mei's and the noble's party with Mei's group being the winner
continuing the constant, Ingrid's design is much more like a scientist while Arie was designed to look like a ninja/shinobi, with Ingrid wearing a respirator and Arie wearing an under mask
Osiria was a completely original apart from the name, of course, her fighting style and design was a mix of both of her adoptive parents nothing much could be said from her
Laplace was something entirely, possibly coincidental, when I was thinking of a name for a world I was like "hmm does Laplace sound good?" and stuck with it.
extra tid bits, the months... oohh the months, I was thinking of something that could be linked with a story so this is the months I came up with: (do remember that Laplace has its own original language which I do not plan to improve or stick on)
Agua: 1-150
seto: 1-132
Medo: 1-200
Hori: 1-60
Mori: 1-60
Ahlo: 1-60
Pier: 1-450
Seto and Medo were the months of war, from the year where the first generation was instigated as the bad guy. of course, this happened on multiple years Laplace months but that was the agreed date so that their populace wouldn't suffer
Hori, Moli, and Ahlo were the time of summer and spring, the date of harvest, planting and fertilizing, if a war ever comes out on these dates, every country would be opposing the party who started it.
Agua and Pier were the months of creation, by the goddess Alyn, it was also said to be the date of the flood and apocalypse, it's ancient shit that only the dragons will ever know.
the days per week is only 5, but the hours per day was abhorrently long, the average time is around 90 hours per day with the longest being 170 as the planet doesn't rotate in a stable axis due to Mana overflowing and creating mass chaos
I think that's it... if I ever missed something then I'll update this, this will also be deleted but I don't know if that's a fact