In a far away island where a dragonborn lived and the place where human can't set foot on that island named "Dracones" a child was born named "Dominus Glacies" after he was born his grandfather take out his right eye and replace it with eye of the end the eye that hold a curse that can destroy a universe. Then Dominus mother noticed something was odd she rush to her house and sees her child right face covered in blood her mother was shocked that it was his father that put a curse to his child then she fled taking his child with her a dragonborn can change form from human form to a dragon form her husband defended her from his father buying her time to flee she the island later Dominus Mother build a house in a forest not near her father and her enemy she choose to stay and protect Dominus. 10 years later Dominus grew up and get stronger and so does the curse and when he was 15 he enrolled to magic academy because he want to learn his magic affinity and thus his adventure begins.