Chereads / For the God's Amusement / Chapter 1 - The Gathering

For the God's Amusement

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Chapter 1 - The Gathering

In a dark, and gloomy place, the small and portly yet skeletal figure, found itself surrounded by collection of strange and unknown visages, floating eerily without making even the slightest of sounds, observing it.

Ughh, wh- where … where am i?... – said the figure, moving what should be its head side to side, trying to get

Then suddenly one of the numerous faces began speaking with a serpentine voice, as if brought out form terrible nightmares born of the mind of a man fearful of anything snake like.

One of the chosen to pass- resounded the serpentine voice – the one to be unfortunate – screeched with madness the cacophony of voices.

Ugh… what the hell was that!? – with a swift movement of its arm the skeletal creature put its hands where its ears should be, trying to block out the cacophony of sounds coming from the crowd that had gathered around it

- And an insolent one at that – said the voice – Insolent! Insolent! – sounded the cacophony as if they were an accompanying chorus of insanity

With its non-existing eyes, the skeletal figure looked around and surprised itself by the gathering of stonelike faces, varying in their looks.

What in all the nine hells are you!? – screamed with worry the skeletal figure – What the fuck am I!?- shouted once more the creature looking at its hands and body

-SILENCE! Insolent soul, you have been fished out of the river of souls, the council has decided for you to take this form… it has been decided that it will be most… amusing… - replied first with a robotic shout then whit its previous and monotonous voice

The skeletal figure seemed to have been silence by an strange and mystic power, no matter how much it tried, then suddenly the click of a finger snap ringed and lights filled its surroundings and the previously floating faces revealed themselves to be only part of a fully stonelike humanoid body, some looking more demonical and devilish than the others, while some looked like angels of Cristian origin, and other looked like an eldritch abomination born of the most twisted and abhorrent of minds, then the stonelike being began to speak

You! Insolent one, have been chosen to provide amusement to this gathering, WE! Are what you people or what YOU! Insolent one, once were, call US! GODS! That answer the first impudent question raised in your stupidity! Now as to what is your form, it was decided based on the sins and crimes that once tainted your soul! LUST! GREED! PRIDE! WRATH! These are your crimes and sins, and NOW YOU SHALL LOOK AT YOUR COMPLETE COUNTENANCE! IMPUDENT ONE! – with a clap of its rocky hands a blue mist began to move around the one they called the impudent, the insolent, and then the mist condensed into blue mirrors, one of them directly in front of the skeletal creature, showing its form.

WHAT THE F**K!? – shouted the creature in its mind without being able to speak, yet under the spell of the stonelike god – I'm a goddam kobold, and a skeleton one at that!? Jesus f***ng Christ! That's one cruel decision, well at least I'm not a damn goblin that for sure! – with this remark the Kobold Skeleton finished his mental monologue just before the stone scaled god began to speak.

INSOLENT ONE! – spoke the stone scaled god – even though you possess no flesh in this form you seem… rather surprised, ¿did you thought that you would be given a human shape? ¡HA! That wouldn't be entertaining at all, rather you have been reduced to one of the lowliest creatures of the world we rule over, even lower than that in fact! for you have become nothing more than a kobold skeleton! – then with a crack of his finger the spell that enthralled the voice or noises made by the skeletal kobold skeleton dissipated as fast as it came to be.

¡IMPUDENT ONE! You shall be sent to our world! There you will survive, strive, struggle and suffer for our amusement! NOW WE WILL GRANT YOU THE RIGHT TO ASK JUST TWO QUESTIONS, ASK THEN IMPUDENT ONE! – with a resounding voice the stone scaled god spoke, and with a gesture of his arm beckoned the creature to speak.

With a small nod the kobold skeleton began to ask – Well then, first question ¿are there more like me, I mean more the chosen for your amusement? Second... - the force that first enthralled the kobold's voice suppressed it yet again.

YES! Impudent one! What a foolish thought, of course there are more of you sinners and criminals, but then again, the Council deemed it fair to have paragons and fair seekers, after all conflict… is most entertaining. – again, the stone scaled god clapped with his hands dispelling the power that kept the kobold skeleton silent.

Now with a visible tremble in its bony figure the kobold asked – Well… ¿ might I be able to get flesh, so to speak, evolve and become flesh and blood again, O! Great Stone One!? – with grandiose and exaggerated movements the kobold body rattled and began to take a kneeling down position, as if to beg the god for forgiveness for its perceived impudence and for its great ignorance.

With a visible mixture of disgust and amusement, the Stone Scaled God replied – Yes! O Foolish One! But that is up to you to discover, O skeleton One! Now regarding your previous performance, FOOL! I care not for your appeals for forgiveness, as I wasn't the one you offended nor the one you wronged, however… you have entertained me… the first one of the many to have done so and to not lose your mind, for this I shall grant you two mediocre gifts, O Foolish One! The first one a meager affinity to our world's energy, be grateful! And the second gift, a small ability to help you on discover and experiment on the world, be grateful! NOW BEGONE! – with a final thundering clap from the stone scaled god the skeletal kobold began to fall rapidly as a portal had opened below and the cacophony of mechanical and eldritch voices set out to accompany the last word uttered by the stone scaled god – BEGONE! BEGONE! – they shouted in unison – GO AMUSEMENT! GO! – they shouted once more

Whit the cacophony of voices sounding farther and farther, then the kobold skeleton let a last shout – SH***************TTTTTTTT!!!~~~~~ - just before it disappeared inside the darkness of the portal

Good, the soul of the sinner has begun its struggle, Lereus!, this one I choose to be my pawn, I find it entertaining and I have already given it my gifts – said the stone scaled god, his face covered in lustrous stone scales, yet looking strangely human like, his eyes, mouth and lack of ears gave away its non-human origin, looking more like as if a snake had taken the shape of a human and failed partway.

Silence Qadarr! A fool for a god like you, whose only worshippers are but a few savages in L'zzanath has little to no say in the council – Shouted with anger a god with six pairs of wings and the face of a beautiful woman.

No Zaslene! I won't keep quiet, I may be a small and unimportant god, for you have already chosen your pawns, it is my turn and I chose that one, in regards to my followers and my domain, at least I don't have to fight for a meager amount land!– Shouted Qadarr as he clapped his hands and preparing to send an attack towards the Zaslene his offender, whilst she didn't have the intention of defending, while looking at Qadarr with a face full of disdain and contempt, as she replied on the tips of her wings laid a bright spot of blue light– MEAGER YOU SAY! Insolent reptile… - just to be immediately interrupted by the sound of something smashing to the ground

Enough! Qadarr! Zaslene! We have no time for this, if you want to fight do it through your pawns, we are wasting Orsar's time – shouted in anger another god this one was a muscular short and stocky man with a long beard that reached down to his chest, as he shouted he slammed down the handle of his stone hammer, in an attempt to stop the quarreling duo – Now that I have your attention, you Qadarr, must know, it was already decided that this soul would be assigned to you, now BEGONE! Qadarr, go to your followers, you have your own mission to fulfill. – said the man whilst moving his arm pointing at an unknown point in the darkness surrounding the council.

I… understand, I will obey you Lereus… for now, I will obey your orders Lereus, for now…. – replied Qadarr immediately walking away into the darkness, its body shaped like a bipedal reptile, soon after disappearing from the view of the gathering of gods

That damn reptile should fix his speaking habit, that sermon with that sinner… quite unbearable…. He even used fake voices to try to impress that puny soul, damn reptile… – said Zaslene, relaxing her wings, her voice still filled with contempt, began to walkway in to the darkness on her own, just to be stopped by Lereus hammer – and you Zaslene, you need to fulfil your role too, I will give you a mission just so you satisfy your thirsts for land, make your worshippers go to L'zzanath, make them conquer that place, and teach the youngest a lesson, rebelliousness in this time of crisis is most foolish indeed. – said Lereus with a severe tone in his voice and a stern look in his bearded face.

With pleasure Lereus – replied Zaslene, as she resumed her walk towards the darkness.