Charmaine had a dream. It was a dream about a stormy night and she was running in the middle of a dark, empty street. Her yellow dress was drenched in the heavy rain and her heart was pounding as if someone was following her. Suddenly, she tripped and fell down. She was cold, tired, and her knees were wounded. She tried to get up and suddenly, a voice echoed in the dark. "Xiaomin!"
Charmaine opened her eyes and realised everything was just a dream. But she was startled as she woke up to the sight of Leo's handsome face. He was lying next to her and looking at her with his usual expressionless eyes.
Charmaine quickly got up from the bed and looked around her. Did they spend the night together? The small room... and the weird feeling... are they still in the houseboat yacht? She checked herself and didn't notice anything weird. They just literally slept all night, right? Nothing else happened?
Charmaine held her head as she felt a bit dizzy. Last thing she remembered was she was having dinner with Leo and was drinking wine. Did she passed out drunk? She hoped she didn't do anything embarrassing in front of Leo.
"Are you alright? Let's find a hangover soup for you later." Leo said before getting out of the bed. He picked up his coat from a nearby chair and wore it. "Tidy up so we can return to the hotel early. Luke must be waiting for us." he said before leaving the room.
Charmaine frowned. She must have really done something terrible last night for Leo to treat her coldly so early in the morning.
"Mission failed." Leo whispered to Luke when the little boy came to him as they entered the hotel suite. He didn't stop after that and went straight to the bathroom for a quick shower.
Luke furrowed his brows. Mission failed? His mommy dumped him? Looks like it. He turned to her mommy who was listlessly sitting on the edge of the bed and thought he should ask her what happened but hesitated. She too looked sad. So... just who dumped who?
A moment later, Leo came out of the bathroom, and it was Charmaine's turn to shower. Luke watched as his daddy took out their small suitcase from the closet and pack their things. Are they leaving already? Why so soon? Aren't going to Disneyland Paris part of their itinerary?
Luke was about to approach him and ask a few questions when Leo's phone suddenly rang. Luke quickly stopped in his track and just watch his dad answer the call. It was weird because he only managed to say "hello" and Leo went silent for a good couple of minutes. But it wasn't just Luke who saw him frozen during that phonecall. Charmaine who was already done bathing stood in the bath's entrance and watched him.
"That's not necessary." Leo finally said after a long while. "There will be no wedding." Charmaine heard him say. "Listen to me and cancel our engagement completely. You can not be stubborn at a time like this."
Charmaine furrowed her brows. Was Leo talking about their engagement? What happened?
"Grandpa... It might be true that Chanel Aikens has a crush on me but it's just the tip of the iceberg so listen up and do what I tell you to do. You need to do it right now while I'm still on a trip. Dissolve my engagement to Charmaine and don't forget to change your will." he told him, his voice calm but powerful. "Yes. That part of your will where it stated that one can only inherit the family head position if he marries Charmaine Song! Alright?"
Charmaine gasped in shock and went back into the bathroom to calm herself. Grandpa Ji really had that rule in his will? That one can only inherit the Ji Group if he marries her? Was that the reason why Leo Ji wanted to marry her? Because he can't be Ji Chen's successor without marrying her?
Leaning behind the bathroom door, Charmaine clenched her chest as she felt her heart aching. What happened? Why did Leo suddenly want to dissolve their engagement? Was it because of Chanel Aikens?
Chanel Aikens... that name again. Wasn't she Leo Ji's first lover in her premonition? Did he finally chose to fight for her?
Yes. Maybe that was it. Maybe the dreams she had was to warn her about the mistakes that have to be corrected and one of those was Leo's marriage. Back then, Leo met Chanel Aikens when he was already married to Charmaine. Their love wasn't given a chance to fully bloom. This time, maybe they can finally be together openly. There won't be any scandals anymore to destroy both of their reputations. They don't need to hide anymore. They can now love each other freely.
Charmaine took a deep breath. She thought this was what she wanted. For her to be free and for Leo to find the right woman for him: then why did she feel bitter listening to that phonecall? Why were her tears threatening to fall?
"I don't get it." Luke told his dad.
Leo thought he was pertaining to that phonecall just now. He turned to the boy and ruffled his hair. "Something came up so we have to cut our trip short. I'm sorry."
"Not that. I was talking about your failure." he told him.
"Oh!" he exclaimed. He then kneeled in front of his son to meet his eyes. "You're mom told me last night that she felt burdened by our engagement and that she didn't want to marry me." he stated. "I'm a bit hurt."
Luke smirked and tilted his head. "I was right! You were dumped!"
Leo Ji frowned. Is this little guy mocking him? And Charmaine said his son likes him? Guess she was wrong.
"Oh, whatever. We have to leave now. I'll be busy for the next couple of days so I won't be seeing you. You have to take care of Charmaine for me." he said before standing up and turning to the closet again. He checked the luggage once more before zipping it close.
"Will you be too busy to take up my call?" Luke asked.
Leo turned to Luke and smiled a bit. "Of course not. Call me often and keep me updated." he replied.
A while later, Charmaine went out of the bathroom and prepared to leave. From the hotel to the airport, until they reached Chelsea city, none of them utter a word. Luke just watched as his parents stare in space a whole hour. Even when they reached home, Leo just took one last glance at Charmaine as she alighted the car before finally leaving.