Sajira believes in God. I believe in God therefore we are two saved souls.
To be Japanese she doesn't have various strange representations in her personal culture but she loves dragons. I, on the other hand, prefer dogs and cats but I'm used to its oddities.
For example, she likes to put the keys in the lock and then leave them there for five minutes counting and skipping the tiles with one foot.
I never understood this choice but I respect it and it makes me laugh a bit also because it makes me think of the penis-shaped gum that I stepped on a year and a half ago.
I have those shoes on right now, they are dark and very well known by Nike.
She does not like wearing heels and always wears flip-flop shoes in fact when it rains she hardly ever goes out.
When it rains we make love as chilled chicks but it doesn't take much for us to warm up and her vagina becomes hot at my touch.
I can see if he is declaring love notes even with a single moan. It's crazy. I know that she is as beautiful as the sun and that I will never be as white as she is but I try to be special in my own small way.
She is different ... she has no friends and is an only child.
She doesn't enjoy playing important roles but for me she is a queen, an island on which I can always land.
She is my star.