Coraline Heartsong had more-or-less accepted her death or otherwise state of super-severe maybe-dying-would-be-better injury. But then Zash arrived.
So... maybe death wasn't a 100% guarantee?
The dragon breathed.
Zash stood fast, holding her shield out. She activated the protective runes engraved on its inside, then stacked two defensive layers behind it.
--and that was about the time Coraline realized that Zash had not, in fact, conjured Absorption-Type formations... nor Dispersion-Type ones.
The magical barriers she quick-cast and reinforced... belonged to the Deflection-Type category.
Thus, it turned one screaming elf and one unreasonably reckless human into a fast and fiery ball of death, hurtling through space, smashing into this building and that building.