Chereads / I'll become a villain in my next life / Chapter 436 - Chapter 436: The Dungeon That Connects The Borders V

Chapter 436 - Chapter 436: The Dungeon That Connects The Borders V

[Unranked Dungeon]

With the destruction of the huge tree, Kaido and his group finally got out of the tree's domain as all of them were ejected back towards the central area of the dungeons which hosted the the stone altar placed in the middle of the four intersecting section of the dungeon. The only thing that changed in this place since they have arrived, was that a certain glowing rune suddenly popped out of the stone gate, as it somewhat acted as a beacon for everyone who enters the dungeon to see, aside from that 1 out of four slots had been filled which changes the environment of the dungeon.

Due to how explosion occurred, the whole group of Kaido, which includes Lilia, Shelly , and Alessandro were knocked out on the ground as they were somewhat exhausted from dealing with the huge tree and at the same time got hit by the pressure blast radius coming from the anti-matter bomb exploding itself.

Unknown to them, during this time more groups then soon came in of the unranked dungeons as they all got curious from what's within the dungeon itself as they headed towards their location.


Some time passed, Lilia finally regained her consciousness as she found herself inside a tent and wrapped around in a soft blanket. Confused on how she got to this place, she then slowly stood up, as she looked around her surroundings in bewilderment before being called out by an unknown person who just entered the tent.

"Your awake?"

"Huh? Who are you?"

"Ah! yes you must be confused! I am Vivian, a player like you"

"Player? but only me and my friends entered the dungeon, how did you enter the dungeon?"

"Huh? You didn't know? this unranked dungeon is a free for all, no one owns this dungeon due to its unpredictability, due to that us players who doesn't have a huge group and a government backing us up, can enter this dungeon with our friends and acquaintances speaking of which I'm here together with my friends and other groups"

"Other groups?"

"Yes! alongside me and my friends group, there are two more groups who had entered this dungeon alongside us... all in all there are four groups inside this dungeon"

As Lilia heard those words, she then mulled all over it, as she suddenly thought up of her group and reacted in panicking manner.

"Where are my groupmates? Where's Shelly? Alessandro? Kaido?"

"Oh your other members? they are outside, they have woken up a bit earlier than you so they already got the gist of the situation... but that one guy with red eyes and black hair in your group..."

"Kaido? What? What happened to him?"

"His injuries were no joke, in fact even our healer tried to heal his wounds, but for some reason, there is a mysterious force that is preventing his cells from patching up and is slowly decaying his body... but not soon after he regained consciousness, his body's state returned to normal as that mysterious force suddenly disappear which made his healing progress much faster than ever before... such speed of recovery is I'm possible with healing magic alone, is one of your members able to regenerate his cells automatically?"

Hearing that question, Lilia then suddenly remembered Kaido's special constitution, as she had a vague memory of him quickly regenerating his body structure from a dire state of crippled body. With no use of hiding his constitution, Lilia then answered Vivian question truthfully.

"Yes! he is somewhat special and has a skill which could regenerate his cells in a quick pace"

Upon hearing that confirmation, Vivian's eyes suddenly pop up in surprise as she begun to get excited form the prospect of such skill.

"That is simply amazing! a breakthrough! do you know how much this type of skill could help science and medical field in terms of regenerating the cells? regenerating your cells could easily patch up any wound your body acquire no matter how grave an injury is, simply put no one would die from an accident or organ failure any longer... what's more radiation itself would be  insignificant if you can just regenerate your cells to eject out the infected cells... and lastly one could even live forever by continuously replacing dead skin cells with a new one which would prevent death from ever occurring. this is marvelous"

Now that Vivian had called it, Kaido's regeneration abilities is also somewhat kind of a cheat itself. If what the person in front of her said is true, then Kaido could very well live up till the end of days and never experiencing death. After all the reason for growing old is the detoriation of cells in the body, so if Kaido could simply regenerate his cells to its younger state, he would most likely akin to be an immortal.

But despite all that Lilia didn't feel any envy from Kaido at all, but rather pity. After all if he loved forever and never dying, he would soon come to witness the deaths of the people close to him until the days where he will be alone. The saddest thing in a human life is being alone, that is the reason why people have life expectancy, so that they could treasure any remaining time they have in the world before leaving in fulfilment.

"How do you know all this?"

"How? Ah yes! I'm a doctor, a doctor who specializes in finding cure in diseases through experimentation of different bio organism and micro organism... simply put as a doctor, i somewhat envy his skills"

As Vivian said those words, Lilia seemed somewhat to have understood why she was acting that way. After all, Kaido's regenerative capability is simply godly and beyond common sense.

With that being put aside, Lilia then asked Vivian to help her get up as she plans to leave the tent and meet up with her other group members. Following her wishes, Vivian assisted Lilia in getting up, as she watches her leave the tent and out into the open world which is located near the stone gate.

In front of the stone gate which seemed like an alter, some players were examining its runes in hope to figuring out the purpose of such gate. Alongside it, about a few feet away from the stone gate, Lilia saw Alessandro together with Kaido and Shelly as they conversed together regarding the mysterious glowing rune on top of the gate with another player outside their group.

With that Lilia approaches her members, as the others soon felt her coming their way and made space for her to join in on the conversation.

"Are you all healed up?" asks by Shelly

"Never been better... what about you guys? based on what i remember, Kaido sustained the most injury and had  a very serious wound" asked back by Lilia

"You don't have to worry about me, my cells regenerative properties are quite different from ordinary" answered by Kaido as he crossed his arms

"Out of ordinary, how i envy that... but isn't that the same as cell acceleration?" ask by Lilia

"Because it is"

"But wouldn't that make you grow older faster?"

"As i said, my circumstances are different from normal... some logic just doesn't work on me"

As the conversation begun to go off the trail, Alessandro then coughed once to get Lilia's attention, as he then puts the track of the conversation to the main topic at hand.

"Ahem! Lilia i assume you already know what's going in here right?"

"More or less, that girl that was taking care off me informed of the current happening"

"That girl is pretty nice, she also took care of us" said by Shelly

"Anyway as a recap, while we were trapped inside the domain of the boss monster in the east, some teams had entered the dungeon so all in all there are now 4 teams present inside this dungeon. While we were fighting against the boss monster, our fight had been broadcasted in this checkpoint and all over the city for some unknown reason. through that almost all t people in the city knew what had transpired inside this dungeon which caused many people to became aware of the unranked dungeon" said by Alessandro

"Basically our raid to the boss of the east, was served as an advertisement to all the players in the city, on just how intense and how rewarding the dungeon is.... through that, all the unranked dungeon was immediately held tight by the government in order to avoid influx of excited player from going inside the unranked dungeon and gaining popularity itself.... not only were the unranked dungeon became popular, we also on the other hand became stars too in just this one raid... what's more our popularity also skyrocketed due to us successfully subjugating the boss" added by Shelly

"Wait! then that means..." trailed by Lilia as her eyes turned towards Kaido

"Yup! Kaido pretty much became a star, since he is the mvp of the raid itself" said by Shelly with a smile

"Wait! broadcasted all over the city right? then does that mean even my aunt and uncle saw everything that had transpired here?" asks by Lilia in nervousness


"Oh i am so dead" muttered by Lilia as she clutched her head just from thinking about it

After all her uncle and aunt a type of worrywart people. Due to that, whenever she made them know that she will enter a dungeon, her uncle and aunt always had a complicated expression on their faces and somewhat hesitant to even let her go. If not for the fact that she was determined to become a player, her aunt and uncle would not have allowed her to become a player and enter a dungeon at all.

Ignoring the fact that Lilia was having an internal breakdown, Alessandro then further explained why they were still here and not subjugating the other areas of the dungeon.

"Anyway! since there are 4 teams inside the dungeon, then there is no need for us to shoulder all the burden in clearing this unranked dungeon... since we have taken care of the east side boss, the other teams then negotiated to us in handing over the rights of raiding the other bosses to them and since we are still in not a good condition to continue further, i naturally accepted their suggestion and let them decided for themselves on how which bosses should they distribute to whom"

"As you can see there is already a team trying to subjugate  the boss that is located in the south area of the dungeon" added by Alessandro as he pointed at the huge broadcasting hologram at the center of the stone altar

Following the direction in which his finger was pointing, Lilia saw some group of people looking over the broadcasting hologram in the middle of the stone alter. Based on what she can see from afar, raid teams consist of about 30 men all in all and the opponent that they were facing is a sea wraith that has full control over the endless number of sea goblins.

Such type of monster was completely different from the world tree boss itself. If the world tree boss is known for its durability, then this type of sea wraith boss is known for its quantity itself. Because of the sheer number on the enemy's side, the raid team were having a very hard time in clearing up the area, as they slowly get pushed back into the corner of the boss domain. Luckily for such team, they have their own mvp of a player, as that person literally took charge and began decimating the enemy units in great scale.

Not long after this mvp of a player then soon clashed against the boss, which gave leeway for its raid party and even begun for them to counter back.

Upon seeing the event that had transpired, Lilia then turned her attention back to her team, as she then proceeded to ask a question.

"What about the other teams? are they not going to subjugate the other bosses?"

"I don't know about that, it seems like they have agreed on a 1:1 agreement.... only 1 team per try should raid the boss, in order for others to observe the boss itself"

"But that doesn't make sense! that should only apply if there is only one boss, but based on what we know there are 4 boss in this dungeon, wouldn't that be enough for all the teams to do the task simultaneously?"

"Your right! but i don't think that is what they intended to do" said by Shelly


"Well not only would they be able to observe the raid, them staying here would also be able to act as a security for the players who survived and are injured just like we are.... after all it seems like after killing the boss, the dungeon itself would teleport all the surviving players back to the checkpoint in order to recuperate"

Hearing Shelly's words somewhat made Lilia understand the whole picture. Now that she remembers it, some of the players from the other team had helped her own team from recuperating after the events in subjugating the world tree. If it weren't for them, she can only imagine them sprawled all out on the floor, as all of them were knocked out from what had just transpired inside the boss domain. All in all the other teams consideration was praiseworthy, as they all helped them recuperate while also standing guard in the checkpoint of the dungeon itself.

In that moment a cheer rose up from the crowd watching the broadcasted hologram, as Lilia and her company look towards the commotion and saw the reason for their cheer.

Apparently the raid operation in the south area of the dungeon had finally concluded as the mvp player of the raid team managing to cut off the head of the sea wraith. Because of that, all the buffs that the sea goblin had received had been taken away and made the army of sea goblins look nothing but ants in front of the player's might. With the death of the boss, the army itself soon fell apart, as the players had finally managed to break through the encirclement and soon manage to finish off the last of its monsters.

Just like what happened to them, the raid team were then teleported away from the boss domain and soon after appear at the center of the stone alter, all tattered up and its players exhausted from the raid itself. Naturally all types of players whether medics or healer's rushed up towards the raid team, as they patched up the less wounded people and treated those who are gravely injured. From that alone, the player named Vivian was once more had her hands full as she begun her work in treating the surviving players.

Now that the raiding team had returned and are now being treated in the infirmary tent, it was then now time for the next raid tem to form and subjugate the next boss on the list. While the two remaining team were deciding on who's going to be first, Alessandro then went over the list once more, as she crossed out the boss on the south area of the dungeon.

"Looks like that's one less boss to worry over"

As he finished saying that, the next team that will start the raid had been decided over, as the said team begun preparing for the raid, with an intent to raid the boss during the night.

Just like what was stated the dungeon itself slowly started to turn dark as night fell towards everyone in dungeon which enhances anyone who posses darkness attribute and weaken anyone who posses light attribute of magic.

Noticing this fact, Kaido could sense a change within the subjugation group as some of their members suddenly became powerful just from the aura alone. Taking this as not to itself, Kaido then was confident that such a team itself would be able to accomplish their own task, now that some of their players have been amplified to a amazing degree.

With nothing to be said, the team then soon left, as they went to the west in order to subjugate the boss hiding within the rocky mountains. Based on what Kaido could remember, the monster lying in wait in the west side of the dungeons are bunch of lizard trait monster, so it is highly probable that the boss itself would be akin to a huge snake or a dragon itself.

"They already started their raid huh? looks like all we could do is wish them well" said by Shelly

Just as the raid team left, the broadcasted hologram begun streaming the raiding team, as everyone saw the team itself slowly approaches the west side of the dungeon. Taking account the distance of the boss on the west from the checkpoint itself, everyone then could guess that this will take awhile, as they all begun preparing to make their dinner.

With all of that said, Lilia and the rest begun to prepare their own dinner as they cooked and instant meal with the use of Kaido's flames. As they ate, they occasionally watches at the broadcast hologram to see if anything was amiss.

Not long after, for what seems like an hour and a half of travel, the raid team finally arrived at the raid area, as lizard type monsters were nowhere to be found on site. Upon seeing that there were no monster on land, some of their team concluded that the monster may be lying in wait underground for any intruder to enter their range of attack. After all they are a lizard type of monsters, meaning they all have the trait of a real life lizard itself.

But before anything else, the raid team begun filling their stomach in order to prepare for a prolonged fight against the monster. Thus after taking their quick meal, the team itself moved towards the raid area, as they entered into a formation and become vigilant towards their surroundings

Now after for what seems like a 15 minutes of searching for enemy's, a lizard type monster suddenly popped out from one of the caves, as it begun attacking the raid team with pure strength. 

Upon seeing the first monster that the team had encountered, the raid then officially  was underway as the team itself begun attacking the monster as a group.