Chereads / Grimmemoria: Write Your Own Ending / Chapter 51 - The ever dangerous drop weasel

Chapter 51 - The ever dangerous drop weasel

[Rock Wall!]

[Sound Cutter!]


A solid wall of stone shot out of the ground and rammed through the horde of melting wax zombies, creating a massive indent. The ones left standing were soon cut down by a wave of visible sound energy.

"Is that...the last of them?," RJ asked between heavy breaths.

"Don't...know...," Senior Hippie answered in an equally exhausted tone, "lost track after the first dozen."

Evidently, these two had been fighting for a while now and were starting to run ragged after having to defeat about a hundred or so weird wax zombies. Making matters worst, the damn things wouldn't stay down. Every time they took one down, the body stay there for a bit before melting down into a puddle of goop that would then retreat and reform into a new wax zombie.

The two were fine physically, but mentally they were running on fumes.

"Did Tatterhood take down that Batibat thing yet?"

"Uhh..." Senior Hippie put a hand to the side of his skull in the order to catch any sounds Tatterhood might have been making in her fight with the Batibat. This gesture didn't make much sense to RJ since Senior Hippie have any ears.

"I can do this all day you overgrown, obese rotten log bitch!," Tatterhood shouted.


"Sounds like it's going well," Senior Hippie told RJ, "But it appears round...eight is here to try and kill us again."

"Yeah...they look a little different this time though?"

The horde of melting wax zombies had returned once more, but this time there were some odd looking variations mixed in. A few of the wax zombies looked a tad larger than the rest, complete with strange oversized arms. While RJ was a bit tired at this point, he recognized tanker enemies when he saw them.

"Oh that's not good."

"What? What's not good?"

"Gimme a second."

RJ stepped forward and with a practiced motion casted what was now a simple spell.

[Rock Shot!]

RJ flicked his hand forward, causing a spell circle to manifest momentarily and fire off a rock projectile before disappearing.

The flying rock missile tore through a group of the wax zombies before it was in threat range to the large variant. Moments before impact, the large zombie raised it's oversized arm like it was a shield and promptly blocked the rock missile, shattering it into pieces of dust and mana.

"Well that's not good," RJ commented as his rock missile shattered to pieces.

[Sound Cutter!]

Senior Hippie tried his luck this time and fired a blade of energetic sound at the big brute. Surprisingly, it managed to cut through the large zombie that had blocked RJ's rock shot. Unfortunately the large zombie behind that one managed to block the sound blade after changing the shape of his arm.

"So it looks like we have to alternate our attacks, that's not too bad," Senior Hippie observed. To which, RJ palmed his face in response.

"What? I'm not wrong."

"No, it's just I've seen this trope before," RJ griped, "It was slow so I couldn't notice, but I think these assholes have some Doomsday or Borg power shit going on."


Senior Hippie gave RJ a blank stare, unsure of what the hell RJ was talking about.

"Right, dead for like several decades, okay long story short: Everytime we kill them, they're gonna come back bigger, badder and nastier each time."

"Oh shit," Senior Hippie said in realization, "What do we do?"

"We either get Donnie to wake the hell up or we die to the horde of the wax zombies and I greatly prefer the former!"

"Somebody catch me!"


In the middle of RJ's ranting, an unexpected third voice called out from high above him and Senior Hippie's position. Turning their gazes upward, they saw a familiar looking weasel flailing her limbs in a sporadic manner.

"Somebody catch me damnit!," Kathy cried out in alarm. Evidently, weasels were not as elegant as cats when it came to falling from great heights.

"Hah. Drop weasel."

"Ain't that Donnie's familiar Kathy? Shouldn't you go save her with your geomancy stuff or something?"


[Earth Shape!]

RJ slammed his palms into the ground, causing to churn and writhe like the open sea. Under his manipulation, the earth began to rise and take the shape of sliding hill with a pair of cupping hands at the top of it.


"I gotcha!"

Kathy was scooped up the rising hands and proceeded to slide down the makeshift slide, directly into the arms of a waiting RJ.

"Bleh! Much obliged human friend," Kathy said while cleaning herself a bit. Evidently RJ's earthen slide was a bit dustier than anticipated.

"Kathy, the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm here to figure out why Donnie almost had a heart attack," Kathy said as she finished cleaning and hopped out of RJ's arms, "And from the looks of it, something has gone horribly wrong. Donnie's dreams are being attacked right? Mare? Sandman?"

"That thing," Senior Hippie said while pointing towards Tatterhood's and the Batibat's battle.

"And that thing," Senior Hippie added while pointing at the Nightmare. Bellerophon had managed to finally caught up to the cantankerous demon horse and was now locked in a life or death struggle. RJ never thought he'd see a tiger tapir thing fight a horse, but hey, magic.

Seeing the two culprits, Kathy looked rather shocked.

"A Nightmare and a Batibat? Together? That can't be right, those species of monsters absolutely hate working together, unless..." As Kathy mulled over the reasoning behind this, a look of realization followed by anger happened in the blink of an eye.

"Of course it's that asshole, it's always that asshole," Kathy angrily spat.

"Huh? What's up?"

"Nothing to worry about, yet," Kathy said while waving a paw, "Right now I need to get Donnie. Where's he at?"


"Where did the giant dog come from?!"

RJ didn't know when or where, but the Donnie in the dream memory was now being chased by an enormous dog monster made of shadows and the wails of the damned. He didn't know if this was it's actual appearance or just a part of the nightmare experience, but he didn't want to find out.

"Of course there's a pesanta..."