Chapter 4 - Chapter 3

Zoe listened to their idea and found it to be way better than taking him to the police. Tara and Cleo's plan was to have Zoe drag the guy to their dorm where they had equipments to discipline him with. They all asked him at the same time "hey pig, what's your name?" He said his name was Brian,he had brownish red hair and light blue eyes. He looked scared now because he heard all of the things they were saying  and he begun to regret forcing Zoe to have sex with him,he wanted to beg but the damage had already been done and he could see the anger in the eyes of the girls almost like they were on fire Zoe said they should all go to Cleo and Tara's dorm,the three of  them agreed because they had lots of Female Dom tools.

Zoe got on her motorcycle and Tara and Cleo rode in Tara's car. Tara's car was hot pink with "Rave punks" written on her number plate. When Tara started her engine,Zoe also started moving slowly and so did Brian's body because he was still tied to the back of her motorcycle. Even though he was wearing clothes he could still feel the some stones on the road scratch his skin,he started begging Zoe for her forgiveness but she couldn't even hear him because she had started moving faster. Tara and Cleo also turned up the volume of their rock music so they obviously couldn't hear him.

They finally reached Tara and Cleo's  dorm,Zoe stopped her motorcycle fast all of a sudden which caused Brian's forehead to hit the back of her motorcycle giving him a small cut . Zoe got off her packed motor bike and untied Brian's for a short while and helped him to stand up,she left the hand cuffs on him so he doesn't try anything stupid. He couldn't even have tried anything since he was hurt by the  rough ride at the back of Zoe's motorbike,Zoe also uncuffed his legs so he could walk,Tara and Cleo led Zoe and Brian to their dorm. When they entered the dorm locked the door so they won't be disturbed. Zoe told Brian to kneel while they got a bed ready for his punishment,but Brian hesitated so Zoe tased him in the rid area before he knelt down. Tara and Cleo were getting a bed ready and some punishment tools for Brian while Zoe was examining how Brian was hurt ,so of they were serious injuries they would treat it before the punishment, after all they weren't trying to kill him,but only teach him a  good lesson to change him for the better. Zoe checked the cuts on his forehead and saw that it wasn't that deep bit still needed treatment so she continued to check for other cuts gently so she could treat it,she took of his T-shirt, his trousers and his chest and legs but they weren't that serious Zoe asked Tara for a first aid kit so she could treat Brian, when Zoe started treating the cut on his head he winced because of the medication. After Zoe finished treating Brian,Tara and Cleo were also done preparing the bed and punishing tools. They helped Brian to get on the bed and tied his hands and legs spreading him with his face directed to the roof . They  blindfolded him with a black scarf,Tara gave Zoe a whip to do the punishment because he assulted her Zoe was having some feelings about Brian,she was feeling sorry for being about to whip him because he had a lot of cuts on his body. But she knew even if she wouldn't whip him she had to punish him. Zoe started smirking thinking about other things she could do to him.