Chereads / A Mysterious Case Of Mao / Chapter 7 - My Guardian Angel

Chapter 7 - My Guardian Angel

It was another school day morning just like any other, once again I was sitting all alone by myself in class listening to music resting my head on my desk table.

"Hey Jun, sorry that I kept you waiting." Chi greeted me and she skipped into the classroom.

Now that I always think about it, I think it's always been like this. I'd always arrive at school at the same time as Chi since we'd both walk to school together, and finally, as we reach school we'd always part ways at the classroom door.

It's almost as if it's routine now.

She's gonna give me grape soda now, isn't she...

"I gotcha some... GRAPE SODAA!"

Of course, she got me grape soda... next, she's gonna give me a sandwich...

"And I gotcha... some SAMMICHHESS!"

It's been two days ever since I've signed Mao's contract. I could still recall what Mao said that day...

"Please, sign this you need to help yourself, I need to help you. Do this... do this for yourself! I don't want to see you lonely any more!" Mao said with high concern, her voice in a serious tone and her eyes wide open and teary. She hasn't come to school since then, I wonder where she is...

Do I need help that badly...? I think to myself.

I couldn't stop thinking about what she said to me back at the music room...

"Is something wrong Jun? You seem slightly more upset than you are usually." Chi asked with concern.

"Oh, aha... you noticed."

"What's wrong? Don't worry you can tell your best friend Mochi anything." Chi said with a big smile on her face.

"Well... I talked with Mao the other day."

"Mao's pretty cool, what did you talk about?"

"She told me that she would help me, cure me of my loneliness or something," I say as I begin to rest my arm against my right cheek.

"Oh, is that so?" Chi's voice began to shaken up slightly, it was as if Chi was troubled by something, "Jun, I just want to tell you that you're good as you are, there's nothing wrong with you in my eyes."

"Well, that's an awfully nice thing to say Mochi."

"I just want to tell you that you're fine, don't let anyone say otherwise," Chi said with her face pointing towards the ground.













As Chi lifted her head her face was revealed, her eyes were teary with a sad expression,

"You're fine alright... nothing is wrong with you."

"Are you o-"

And before I could finish my sentence Chi bolted out of the classroom without saying another word.




What did I do wrong...?




Chi didn't come to school today... Should I feel worried about her?

It's currently the first period of the school day and I feel lonelier than ever. I have no one to talk to, right now I currently have no friends aside from my cell phone here with me right now.

I can't even bother myself to pay attention to the teacher right now... During my train of thought I could feel a crunched up ball of paper bounce off the side of my head and fall to the ground. As I turn around I could see a small group of four friends laughing quietly. One of the group members points towards the crunched up ball of paper on the floor and smiles.

The hell...?

I then pick up the ball of paper from the ground and unfolded it.

Apparently people were listening on to the conversation Chi and I had yesterday... seeing how they wrote this message I could see how they don't really understand what's going on here...

we ฤธnow wะฝaั‚ yoฯ… dฮนd.

ั‚o: ะฒฯ…lly/dฮนcฤธะฝead

า“roะผ: everyone

They think I'm a bully...

Considering on how Chi is a considerably popular girl at our school I should've expected that people would be highly defensive of her, especially the boys.


"Hey Jun, we'd like to have a word with you." One of my classmates greeted me as he put his hand onto my shoulder.

Soon enough I found myself on top of the school roof area with me being pinned against the wall.

Now, if you were a yaoi fangirl this would be the part where you'd think I'd meet my yaoi love interest... Well unfortunately he was being accompanied by two of his other friends, and let me just say... they did not look happy...

"You're a real piece of shit you know that!?" The man who had greeted me at the start of recess said.

"Pussy thinks he can make a girl cry and get away with it that easily!" One of his friends shouted.

"Push him to the ground, fucking get him!" The other friend accompanying him said.

Thinking about it, there would be no way of getting out of this, obviously I'm not the most popular guy. If I decided to defend myself socially and try to explain the situation they wouldn't really believe anything I'll say... Want to know something about me? As someone who is usually fairly quiet I have never found myself in a situation like this ever in my entire life. I was never really bullied or ever got into fights... well until now.

I was then grabbed by the collar and forcefully thrown to the ground with me landing on my left elbow and my head lucky not slamming on to the smooth concrete ground floor. It was soon followed up with a powerful kick presumably aimed to the stomach but instead missing and hitting my right arm around the elbow joint area. I was bombarded with bare knuckle strikes from all over my body accompanied by the hard kicks from thick school leather shoes. It was the worst pains I had felt ever in my entire life and it lasted for almost five minutes.



They had written all over my desk...

Some things they called me weren't surprising, things such as loser, nerd, weirdo, bully, asshole, but what was astounding was the amount of times people wrote the sentence, "Kill yourself." All over the desk... It took me a while to clean it all up, even had to continue cleaning it during the lesson...


I was visited the quote on quote popular girls during lunchtime... It was around a group of five to seven girls, all of them began to berate me

"So you're the jerk who Mochi was hanging out with?"

"Look at this loser on his phone all alone all by himself in class during lunch."

"Haha, do you think he's a stalker or something?"

"No way he must have blackmailed her or something, that's the only explanation."

"Oh my god Tao that's too much, he's right here! What if he stalks or blackmails one of us!?"

"Oh my god you're right, let's get away from him."

Well at least it was better than getting my ass beat again...

Unlike the other cases of bullying I've had today, this one was the least damaging really. I've already become used to this type of treatment since I've already suspected them of doing this already but instead only behind my back...




Huh, it's raining today... I think to myself as I stare outside the classroom window. I was gonna walk home imminently after school had ended but someone had stolen my umbrella...

I then rested my head on my desk table and tried to grasp my current situation, "This is bullshit..." I softly mutter to myself.

"You don't deserve this you know." A familiar female voice could be heard from behind me.

I then turn around and see Mao with that careless expression on her face, she looked so happy as if there wasn't anything wrong with the world.

"Oh... hey Mao." I reply to her in a mild-mannered depressed tone, "Did you have anything to do with this?" I ask her with the same tone of voice.

"Not at all, but I did know something like this would happen sooner or later, Mochi is a popular girl you know." Mao then grabbed a chair and sat beside me.

"Mhm... so you know what happened?"

"Well apparently one of the girls saw Mochi running out of the classroom crying and checked the classroom to see only you."

"I'm guessing she spread rumours?"


I then sighed and lifted myself from resting on my desk, "So why are you still here talking to me, and why do you seem so happy...?"

Mao then smiled and stood up from her chair, "Because I know you, you're not the type of person who would bully someone, but even if you were I'd still be here talking to you."

"Huh...?" I reply in confusion.

"Jun, tell me what the goal of my contract was please."

"To cure me or something?"

"Precisely, surprisingly this actually is beneficial to me in helping you, since I'm the only one left in your life that you can talk to, your precious guardian angel." Mao said with a giggle.

Guardian angel huh...
















"Jun I want you to promise me two things."

"What do you want me to promise you?" I reply.

"I want you to hold on to this and not open it until I say you can, that means no peaking and reading, I don't want you to come up with any loop holes or anything." Mao said as she placed a large folded piece of paper onto my desk with the folded piece of paper having a piece of duct tape to keep the folded piece of paper from opening up.

"What is this?" I ask as I pick the folded piece of paper up.

"It's another contract I made, it's all hand written just like the last one." Mao said with a smile.

"What's the other promise?"

"You'll find out sooner or later." Mao replied carelessly.

"I pro-"

Mao then cuts me off as she covers my mouth with her hand, "Hey, I don't want you to make a fake promise alright, this is a real promise, like the ones the Vikings made, promise with all your heart or else." Mao then pulls away and crosses her arms while making a pouty face and tapping her foot on the floor.




I then took in a deep breath in and out...









Mao then smiled with joy and innocence in her eyes, it looked as if Mao was about to cry of joy. Mao then took a minute to regain her composure, "Alright... let's get started."




