Caesar came to me after I was done getting ready. I smiled when I saw him. He looked absolutely stunning in formal wear.
Too bad I only got to see him like this now, he mostly wears casual clothes while you'll find Arius many times in a formal suit.
"You look stunning Nora." He came and stood by my side while I stood in front of the mirror.
I was wearing a navy blue long velvet dress.
"Thank you." I looked at him and he gave me a surprise peck on the lips. I felt the heat get to my ears. Every little contact from him makes me beyond happy and each time I can't help but grin like a fool.
"I have something for you." He took out something from his pocket that looked like a chip.
"What's this?"
"The key to your collar."
"Oh!?" The key to my collar… After all this time I guess I had become too used to it being there that I had forgotten about it.
I took the chip from his hands, "How do I use it?"