2030, somewhere in Canada, a young boy named Elias, have not a easy life. Elias is 15 years old and he have blond curly hair. He's lonely and the people in his class call him the "heartless boy", but they don't know his story...
Monday, the 13th March, just a normal day like the other, Elias was on the way to school. Not far away he see the boy that he's crushing on, but he don't thinks that he will be able to talk to him. He's name was Asher, a 15 year old boy with beautiful brown hair, and well he's kinda Elias's best friend. Asher look back and see Elias staring at him, and the young shy boy just literally turn away.
Asher laugh and go see him, but he don't know that Elias is blushing. So Elias just run away. The boy with brown hair don't understand why Elias avoid him and he feel kinda sad. Elias go back to his house, he didn't want to go to school. When his stepfather saw him, he was angry because he didn't go to school. So he take the poor boy by the neck and start to argue with him, the teen with curly hair wanted to cry but he knew that his stepfather would make fun of him so he hold is tears.
When the guy let him go, Elias ran to his room and locked the door. He started to cry so hard. His phone is ringing, Asher was calling him... But Elias didn't pick up the phone because he wasn't in the mood for that. He lays in his bed, close his eyes and start to thinks how he's life could be worst...